Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/7/2022 4:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsAudio
R-274-22 1  ResolutionCelebrating the 110th Anniversary of the Rotary Club of Toledo.SuspensionPass Action details Audio Audio
R-274-22 1  ResolutionCelebrating the 110th Anniversary of the Rotary Club of Toledo.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
R-275-22 1  ResolutionRecognizing Brothers United.SuspensionPass Action details Audio Audio
R-275-22 1  ResolutionRecognizing Brothers United.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
A-276-22 1  AppointmentAppointment - Board of Building AppealsConfirmPass Action details Audio Audio
A-277-22 1  AppointmentAppointments - Directors, Deputy Directors, CommissionersamendPass Action details Audio Audio
A-277-22 1  AppointmentAppointments - Directors, Deputy Directors, CommissionersReferred To:Pass Action details Audio Audio
O-210-22 1  OrdinanceAmending the Toledo Municipal Code by enacting a new Chapter 182, Environmental Protection and Climate Resilience Commission and creating the One Percent for the Environment Program; and declaring an emergency.heldPass Action details Audio Audio
O-231-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the City of Toledo to fund $20,000 towards the Greater Toledo Digital Equity Coalitions (GTDEC) analysis of resident's broadband access and affordability throughout Lucas County; partnering with Bowling Green State University's Center for Regional Development for a full analysis and report of findings; with full oversight of the program by Toledo Lucas County Public Library; and declaring an emergency.EmergencyPass Action details Audio Audio
O-231-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the City of Toledo to fund $20,000 towards the Greater Toledo Digital Equity Coalitions (GTDEC) analysis of resident's broadband access and affordability throughout Lucas County; partnering with Bowling Green State University's Center for Regional Development for a full analysis and report of findings; with full oversight of the program by Toledo Lucas County Public Library; and declaring an emergency.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
O-235-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the mayor to enter into and execute cooperative agreements between the City of Toledo and Lucas County and to give consent to Lucas County for roadway improvements and resurfacing work on Talmadge Road from Laskey Road to Alexis Road within the City limits; and declaring an emergency.EmergencyPass Action details Audio Audio
O-235-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the mayor to enter into and execute cooperative agreements between the City of Toledo and Lucas County and to give consent to Lucas County for roadway improvements and resurfacing work on Talmadge Road from Laskey Road to Alexis Road within the City limits; and declaring an emergency.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
O-237-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $500,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund for the Road & Bridge Maintenance Matches and Planning Program; authorizing the mayor to prepare plans and specifications, acquire required rights-of-way as appropriate, accept bids and award contracts for Road & Bridge Maintenance Matches and Planning improvement projects within the Division of Road & Bridge Maintenance; and declaring an emergency.EmergencyPass Action details Audio Audio
O-237-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $500,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund for the Road & Bridge Maintenance Matches and Planning Program; authorizing the mayor to prepare plans and specifications, acquire required rights-of-way as appropriate, accept bids and award contracts for Road & Bridge Maintenance Matches and Planning improvement projects within the Division of Road & Bridge Maintenance; and declaring an emergency.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
O-239-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $18,000,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund for necessary major building improvements and replacements at the Toledo Municipal Court House; authorizing the Mayor to accept qualifications and proposals and award a design-build construction contract pursuant to ORC Section 153.693; and declaring an emergencyReferred To:Pass Action details Audio Audio
O-242-22 1  OrdinanceLevying special assessments for the 2021 Sidewalk Program; and declaring an emergency.EmergencyPass Action details Audio Audio
O-242-22 1  OrdinanceLevying special assessments for the 2021 Sidewalk Program; and declaring an emergency.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
O-243-22 1  OrdinanceProviding for the issuance and sale of $1,170,000 of notes, in anticipation of the issuance of bonds, for the purpose of paying costs of constructing, reconstructing and rehabilitating sidewalks, including, where necessary, driveway approaches and curbs, in certain locations on designated streets; and declaring an emergency.   Action details Audio Audio
O-244-22 1  OrdinanceProviding for the issuance and sale of $18,000,000 of notes, in anticipation of the issuance of bonds, for the purpose of paying costs of renovating, remodeling, equipping and re-equipping and otherwise improving the Municipal Court Building, together with necessary appurtenances and work incidental thereto; and declaring an emergency.Referred To:Pass Action details Audio Audio
O-252-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the expenditure in an amount not to exceed $ 1,124,880 from the Sewer Replacement Fund, $1,660,000 From the Water Replacement Fund and $ 668,120 from the Storm Water Replacement Fund for the purchase or lease of vehicles and equipment; authorizing the mayor to accept bids and enter into contracts; and declaring an emergency.EmergencyPass Action details Audio Audio
O-252-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the expenditure in an amount not to exceed $ 1,124,880 from the Sewer Replacement Fund, $1,660,000 From the Water Replacement Fund and $ 668,120 from the Storm Water Replacement Fund for the purchase or lease of vehicles and equipment; authorizing the mayor to accept bids and enter into contracts; and declaring an emergency.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
O-253-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the mayor to accept bids and award contracts for the Hydrant Replacement Program; authorizing the expenditure in an amount not to exceed $700,000 from the Water Replacement Fund; and declaring an emergency.EmergencyPass Action details Audio Audio
O-253-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the mayor to accept bids and award contracts for the Hydrant Replacement Program; authorizing the expenditure in an amount not to exceed $700,000 from the Water Replacement Fund; and declaring an emergency.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
O-254-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the expenditure in an amount not to exceed $150,000 from the Water Operating Fund for the street cut pavement restoration in Lucas County; authorizing the mayor to accept bids and enter into contracts; and declaring an emergency.EmergencyPass Action details Audio Audio
O-254-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the expenditure in an amount not to exceed $150,000 from the Water Operating Fund for the street cut pavement restoration in Lucas County; authorizing the mayor to accept bids and enter into contracts; and declaring an emergency.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
O-278-22 1  OrdinanceDeclaring a Moratorium until December 7, 2022, on the acceptance of any applications requesting permits for one or more liquid petroleum gas containers of more than 2,000 gallons water capacity in the aggregate; in a residential district; and declaring an emergency.Referred To:Pass Action details Audio Audio
R-279-22 1  ResolutionDesignating the intersection of Orange and Huron, in honor of Toledo Fire & Rescue Department Assistant Chief Robert J. Schwanzl, as “Toledo Fire & Rescue Department Assistant Chief Robert J. Schwanzl Memorial Place”.SuspensionPass Action details Audio Audio
R-279-22 1  ResolutionDesignating the intersection of Orange and Huron, in honor of Toledo Fire & Rescue Department Assistant Chief Robert J. Schwanzl, as “Toledo Fire & Rescue Department Assistant Chief Robert J. Schwanzl Memorial Place”.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
O-280-22 2  OrdinanceRepealing Toledo Municipal Code (“TMC”) Chapter 123; enacting a new TMC Chapter 123; and declaring an emergency.First ReadingPass Action details Audio Audio
O-281-22 1  OrdinanceEnacting a New Toledo Municipal Code Chapter 124, Department of Marketing and Communications; and declaring an emergency.First ReadingPass Action details Audio Audio
O-282-22 1  OrdinanceRepealing Toledo Municipal Code (“TMC”) Chapter 125; enacting a new TMC Chapter 125; and declaring an emergency.First ReadingPass Action details Audio Audio
O-283-22 1  OrdinanceRepealing Toledo Municipal Code (“TMC”) Chapter 126; enacting a new TMC Chapter 126; and declaring emergency.First ReadingPass Action details Audio Audio
O-285-22 1  OrdinanceEnacting a New Toledo Municipal Code (“TMC”) Chapter 128, Department of Transportation; and declaring an emergency.First ReadingPass Action details Not available
O-286-22 1  OrdinanceRepealing Toledo Municipal Code (“TMC”) Chapter 133; enacting a new TMC Chapter 133; and declaring an emergency.First ReadingPass Action details Audio Audio
O-287-22 1  OrdinanceRepealing Toledo Municipal Code (“TMC”) Chapter 135; enacting a new TMC Chapter 135; and declaring emergency.First ReadingPass Action details Audio Audio
O-288-22 1  OrdinanceRepealing Toledo Municipal Code (“TMC”) Chapter 136; enacting a new TMC Chapter 136; and declaring an emergency.   Action details Audio Audio
O-288-22 1  OrdinanceRepealing Toledo Municipal Code (“TMC”) Chapter 136; enacting a new TMC Chapter 136; and declaring an emergency.First ReadingPass Action details Audio Audio
O-289-22 1  OrdinanceRepealing Toledo Municipal Code (“TMC”) Chapter 137; enacting a new TMC Chapter 137; and declaring emergency.First ReadingPass Action details Audio Audio
O-290-22 1  OrdinanceEnacting a New Toledo Municipal Code Chapter 140, Department of Building and Code Compliance; and declaring an emergency.First ReadingPass Action details Audio Audio
O-291-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the mayor to enter into cooperative grant agreements with and accept financial assistance from the State of Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) for numerous construction projects; authorizing the acceptance, deposit, appropriation and expenditure of grant proceeds into the Capital Improvement Fund in an amount not to exceed $5,220,220; authorizing the mayor to execute all necessary documentation for the grants; authorizing the mayor to accept bids and award contracts related to the construction; and declaring an emergency.SuspensionPass Action details Audio Audio
O-291-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the mayor to enter into cooperative grant agreements with and accept financial assistance from the State of Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) for numerous construction projects; authorizing the acceptance, deposit, appropriation and expenditure of grant proceeds into the Capital Improvement Fund in an amount not to exceed $5,220,220; authorizing the mayor to execute all necessary documentation for the grants; authorizing the mayor to accept bids and award contracts related to the construction; and declaring an emergency.EmergencyPass Action details Audio Audio
O-291-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the mayor to enter into cooperative grant agreements with and accept financial assistance from the State of Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) for numerous construction projects; authorizing the acceptance, deposit, appropriation and expenditure of grant proceeds into the Capital Improvement Fund in an amount not to exceed $5,220,220; authorizing the mayor to execute all necessary documentation for the grants; authorizing the mayor to accept bids and award contracts related to the construction; and declaring an emergency.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
O-292-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Mayor to enter into an amended Development Agreement with Toledo Colony Apartments, LLC and Colony-Concord Hotel, LLC for the Colony Development Project for the purposes of amending the terms to eliminate the Developer’s commitment to reimburse the City $700,000 for relocation of the public storm sewer, eliminate the obligation of the Developer to construct the Commercial Development component of the Project and require the Developer and/or its general contractor and/or contractor of whatever tier to enter into a Project Labor Agreement with the Northwest Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council; making certain findings with respect thereto; and declaring an emergency.Referred To:Pass Action details Audio Audio
O-292-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Mayor to enter into an amended Development Agreement with Toledo Colony Apartments, LLC and Colony-Concord Hotel, LLC for the Colony Development Project for the purposes of amending the terms to eliminate the Developer’s commitment to reimburse the City $700,000 for relocation of the public storm sewer, eliminate the obligation of the Developer to construct the Commercial Development component of the Project and require the Developer and/or its general contractor and/or contractor of whatever tier to enter into a Project Labor Agreement with the Northwest Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council; making certain findings with respect thereto; and declaring an emergency.relieve of CommitteePass Action details Audio Audio
O-292-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Mayor to enter into an amended Development Agreement with Toledo Colony Apartments, LLC and Colony-Concord Hotel, LLC for the Colony Development Project for the purposes of amending the terms to eliminate the Developer’s commitment to reimburse the City $700,000 for relocation of the public storm sewer, eliminate the obligation of the Developer to construct the Commercial Development component of the Project and require the Developer and/or its general contractor and/or contractor of whatever tier to enter into a Project Labor Agreement with the Northwest Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council; making certain findings with respect thereto; and declaring an emergency.amendPass Action details Audio Audio
O-292-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Mayor to enter into an amended Development Agreement with Toledo Colony Apartments, LLC and Colony-Concord Hotel, LLC for the Colony Development Project for the purposes of amending the terms to eliminate the Developer’s commitment to reimburse the City $700,000 for relocation of the public storm sewer, eliminate the obligation of the Developer to construct the Commercial Development component of the Project and require the Developer and/or its general contractor and/or contractor of whatever tier to enter into a Project Labor Agreement with the Northwest Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council; making certain findings with respect thereto; and declaring an emergency.SuspensionPass Action details Audio Audio
O-292-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Mayor to enter into an amended Development Agreement with Toledo Colony Apartments, LLC and Colony-Concord Hotel, LLC for the Colony Development Project for the purposes of amending the terms to eliminate the Developer’s commitment to reimburse the City $700,000 for relocation of the public storm sewer, eliminate the obligation of the Developer to construct the Commercial Development component of the Project and require the Developer and/or its general contractor and/or contractor of whatever tier to enter into a Project Labor Agreement with the Northwest Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council; making certain findings with respect thereto; and declaring an emergency.EmergencyPass Action details Audio Audio
O-292-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Mayor to enter into an amended Development Agreement with Toledo Colony Apartments, LLC and Colony-Concord Hotel, LLC for the Colony Development Project for the purposes of amending the terms to eliminate the Developer’s commitment to reimburse the City $700,000 for relocation of the public storm sewer, eliminate the obligation of the Developer to construct the Commercial Development component of the Project and require the Developer and/or its general contractor and/or contractor of whatever tier to enter into a Project Labor Agreement with the Northwest Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council; making certain findings with respect thereto; and declaring an emergency.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
O-293-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the expenditure of $18,593 from the General Fund for the city of Toledo’s 2022 membership dues for the Ohio Municipal League (OML); and declaring an emergency.SuspensionPass Action details Audio Audio
O-293-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the expenditure of $18,593 from the General Fund for the city of Toledo’s 2022 membership dues for the Ohio Municipal League (OML); and declaring an emergency.EmergencyPass Action details Audio Audio
O-293-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the expenditure of $18,593 from the General Fund for the city of Toledo’s 2022 membership dues for the Ohio Municipal League (OML); and declaring an emergency.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
O-294-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the expenditure of $400,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund for the City Toledo Parks infrastructure revitalization initiative; authorizing the Mayor to accept bids and award contracts for said purpose; and declaring an emergency.SuspensionPass Action details Audio Audio
O-294-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the expenditure of $400,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund for the City Toledo Parks infrastructure revitalization initiative; authorizing the Mayor to accept bids and award contracts for said purpose; and declaring an emergency.EmergencyPass Action details Audio Audio
O-294-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the expenditure of $400,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund for the City Toledo Parks infrastructure revitalization initiative; authorizing the Mayor to accept bids and award contracts for said purpose; and declaring an emergency.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
O-295-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $100,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund for the renovation of the open-air shelter at Trilby Park; authorizing the Mayor to accept bids and award contracts for said purpose; and declaring an emergency.SuspensionPass Action details Audio Audio
O-295-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $100,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund for the renovation of the open-air shelter at Trilby Park; authorizing the Mayor to accept bids and award contracts for said purpose; and declaring an emergency.EmergencyPass Action details Audio Audio
O-295-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $100,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund for the renovation of the open-air shelter at Trilby Park; authorizing the Mayor to accept bids and award contracts for said purpose; and declaring an emergency.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
O-296-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement and accept and deposit $29,000 from the Office of Criminal Justice Services for a 2022 Police Recruitment Drive (2022-RH-RC4-716); authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of funds from the Operation Grants fund; authorizing the Mayor to accept bids and award contracts for recruitment services in an amount not to exceed $29,000; and declaring an emergency.SuspensionPass Action details Audio Audio
O-296-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement and accept and deposit $29,000 from the Office of Criminal Justice Services for a 2022 Police Recruitment Drive (2022-RH-RC4-716); authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of funds from the Operation Grants fund; authorizing the Mayor to accept bids and award contracts for recruitment services in an amount not to exceed $29,000; and declaring an emergency.EmergencyPass Action details Audio Audio
O-296-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement and accept and deposit $29,000 from the Office of Criminal Justice Services for a 2022 Police Recruitment Drive (2022-RH-RC4-716); authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of funds from the Operation Grants fund; authorizing the Mayor to accept bids and award contracts for recruitment services in an amount not to exceed $29,000; and declaring an emergency.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
O-297-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the donation of retired fire protective gear to the City of Belgrade, Serbia; waiving the requirements of TMC 187; and declaring an emergency.SuspensionPass Action details Audio Audio
O-297-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the donation of retired fire protective gear to the City of Belgrade, Serbia; waiving the requirements of TMC 187; and declaring an emergency.EmergencyPass Action details Audio Audio
O-297-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the donation of retired fire protective gear to the City of Belgrade, Serbia; waiving the requirements of TMC 187; and declaring an emergency.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
O-298-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Mayor to contract with Motorola Solutions, Inc., for the purchase of various Fire and Toledo Municipal Court communication equipment and related services; authorizing the expenditure in an amount not to exceed $1,360,389.09 for said contract purposes; waiving the competitive bid requirements of Chapter 187 of the Toledo Municipal Code; and declaring an emergency.SuspensionPass Action details Audio Audio
O-298-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Mayor to contract with Motorola Solutions, Inc., for the purchase of various Fire and Toledo Municipal Court communication equipment and related services; authorizing the expenditure in an amount not to exceed $1,360,389.09 for said contract purposes; waiving the competitive bid requirements of Chapter 187 of the Toledo Municipal Code; and declaring an emergency.EmergencyPass Action details Audio Audio
O-298-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Mayor to contract with Motorola Solutions, Inc., for the purchase of various Fire and Toledo Municipal Court communication equipment and related services; authorizing the expenditure in an amount not to exceed $1,360,389.09 for said contract purposes; waiving the competitive bid requirements of Chapter 187 of the Toledo Municipal Code; and declaring an emergency.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
O-299-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the expenditure of $50,000.00 from the Risk Management Fund for the continuing representation of a city employee by the RCO law firm in Case No. 22-1111 captioned Medical Mutual of Ohio v. Healthscope Benefits Inc, et. al. pending in the Lucas County Court of Common Pleas; and declaring an emergency.SuspensionPass Action details Audio Audio
O-299-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the expenditure of $50,000.00 from the Risk Management Fund for the continuing representation of a city employee by the RCO law firm in Case No. 22-1111 captioned Medical Mutual of Ohio v. Healthscope Benefits Inc, et. al. pending in the Lucas County Court of Common Pleas; and declaring an emergency.EmergencyPass Action details Audio Audio
O-299-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the expenditure of $50,000.00 from the Risk Management Fund for the continuing representation of a city employee by the RCO law firm in Case No. 22-1111 captioned Medical Mutual of Ohio v. Healthscope Benefits Inc, et. al. pending in the Lucas County Court of Common Pleas; and declaring an emergency.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
O-300-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Mayor to renew the pollution liability insurance policy covering its Municipal Golf Courses with Admiral Insurance Company for a period of three years; further authorizing the expenditure of $22,817.00 from the city's Risk Management Fund; waiving competitive procurement requirements of TMC 187; and declaring an emergency.SuspensionPass Action details Audio Audio
O-300-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Mayor to renew the pollution liability insurance policy covering its Municipal Golf Courses with Admiral Insurance Company for a period of three years; further authorizing the expenditure of $22,817.00 from the city's Risk Management Fund; waiving competitive procurement requirements of TMC 187; and declaring an emergency.EmergencyPass Action details Audio Audio
O-300-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Mayor to renew the pollution liability insurance policy covering its Municipal Golf Courses with Admiral Insurance Company for a period of three years; further authorizing the expenditure of $22,817.00 from the city's Risk Management Fund; waiving competitive procurement requirements of TMC 187; and declaring an emergency.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
O-301-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the appropriation of $225,000 from the unappropriated balance of the Water Replacement Fund and operating transfer of same into the Water Operating Fund; authorizing the appropriation of $250,000 from the unappropriated balance of the Sewer Replacement Fund and operating transfer of same into the Sewer Operating Fund; authorizing the appropriation of $25,000 from the unappropriated balance of the Storm Water Replacement Fund and operating transfer of same into the Storm Water Operating Fund; authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of an amount not to exceed $225,000 from the Water Operating Fund, the appropriation and expenditure of an amount not to exceed $250,000 from the Sewer Operating Fund, and the appropriation and expenditure of an amount not to exceed $25,000 from the Storm Water Operating Fund to fund the customer assistance grant program; and declaring an emergency.SuspensionPass Action details Audio Audio
O-301-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the appropriation of $225,000 from the unappropriated balance of the Water Replacement Fund and operating transfer of same into the Water Operating Fund; authorizing the appropriation of $250,000 from the unappropriated balance of the Sewer Replacement Fund and operating transfer of same into the Sewer Operating Fund; authorizing the appropriation of $25,000 from the unappropriated balance of the Storm Water Replacement Fund and operating transfer of same into the Storm Water Operating Fund; authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of an amount not to exceed $225,000 from the Water Operating Fund, the appropriation and expenditure of an amount not to exceed $250,000 from the Sewer Operating Fund, and the appropriation and expenditure of an amount not to exceed $25,000 from the Storm Water Operating Fund to fund the customer assistance grant program; and declaring an emergency.EmergencyPass Action details Audio Audio
O-301-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the appropriation of $225,000 from the unappropriated balance of the Water Replacement Fund and operating transfer of same into the Water Operating Fund; authorizing the appropriation of $250,000 from the unappropriated balance of the Sewer Replacement Fund and operating transfer of same into the Sewer Operating Fund; authorizing the appropriation of $25,000 from the unappropriated balance of the Storm Water Replacement Fund and operating transfer of same into the Storm Water Operating Fund; authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of an amount not to exceed $225,000 from the Water Operating Fund, the appropriation and expenditure of an amount not to exceed $250,000 from the Sewer Operating Fund, and the appropriation and expenditure of an amount not to exceed $25,000 from the Storm Water Operating Fund to fund the customer assistance grant program; and declaring an emergency.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
O-302-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the appropriation and expenditure in an amount not to exceed $250,000 from the Sewer Replacement Fund for the Tank 12 Rehabilitation Project at the Water Reclamation Plant; authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract with Evoqua Water Technologies LLC for the repair of Tank 12; waiving the competitive procurement provisions of TMC Chapter 187; and declaring an emergency.SuspensionPass Action details Audio Audio
O-302-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the appropriation and expenditure in an amount not to exceed $250,000 from the Sewer Replacement Fund for the Tank 12 Rehabilitation Project at the Water Reclamation Plant; authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract with Evoqua Water Technologies LLC for the repair of Tank 12; waiving the competitive procurement provisions of TMC Chapter 187; and declaring an emergency.EmergencyPass Action details Audio Audio
O-302-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the appropriation and expenditure in an amount not to exceed $250,000 from the Sewer Replacement Fund for the Tank 12 Rehabilitation Project at the Water Reclamation Plant; authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract with Evoqua Water Technologies LLC for the repair of Tank 12; waiving the competitive procurement provisions of TMC Chapter 187; and declaring an emergency.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
O-303-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the mayor to enter into a Brownfield Community-Wide Assessment cooperative grant agreement with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) for the purpose of completing environmental site assessment activities in the Toledo area; authorizing the mayor to accept and deposit grant proceeds in the amount of $500,000 for said purpose; authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of grant proceeds of $500,000 in the Operation Grants Fund; authorizing the mayor to accept bids and execute contracts related to environmental site assessment work; and declaring an emergency.SuspensionPass Action details Audio Audio
O-303-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the mayor to enter into a Brownfield Community-Wide Assessment cooperative grant agreement with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) for the purpose of completing environmental site assessment activities in the Toledo area; authorizing the mayor to accept and deposit grant proceeds in the amount of $500,000 for said purpose; authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of grant proceeds of $500,000 in the Operation Grants Fund; authorizing the mayor to accept bids and execute contracts related to environmental site assessment work; and declaring an emergency.EmergencyPass Action details Audio Audio
O-303-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the mayor to enter into a Brownfield Community-Wide Assessment cooperative grant agreement with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) for the purpose of completing environmental site assessment activities in the Toledo area; authorizing the mayor to accept and deposit grant proceeds in the amount of $500,000 for said purpose; authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of grant proceeds of $500,000 in the Operation Grants Fund; authorizing the mayor to accept bids and execute contracts related to environmental site assessment work; and declaring an emergency.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
O-304-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the mayor to enter into a contract for the Green Infrastructure Landscape Maintenance Project; authorizing the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $92,220 from the Storm Water Operating Fund; and declaring an emergency.SuspensionPass Action details Audio Audio
O-304-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the mayor to enter into a contract for the Green Infrastructure Landscape Maintenance Project; authorizing the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $92,220 from the Storm Water Operating Fund; and declaring an emergency.EmergencyPass Action details Audio Audio
O-304-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the mayor to enter into a contract for the Green Infrastructure Landscape Maintenance Project; authorizing the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $92,220 from the Storm Water Operating Fund; and declaring an emergency.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
O-305-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the mayor to enter into a contract for the Green Infrastructure Invasives Control Project; authorizing the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $37,485 from the Storm Water Operating Fund; and declaring an emergency.SuspensionPass Action details Audio Audio
O-305-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the mayor to enter into a contract for the Green Infrastructure Invasives Control Project; authorizing the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $37,485 from the Storm Water Operating Fund; and declaring an emergency.EmergencyPass Action details Audio Audio
O-305-22 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the mayor to enter into a contract for the Green Infrastructure Invasives Control Project; authorizing the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $37,485 from the Storm Water Operating Fund; and declaring an emergency.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
O-306-22 1  OrdinanceGranting a waiver of Toledo Municipal Code Section 1107.0203 Surface Parking Lot Ban Districts to allow an existing one-level surface parking lot to be increased in size at 15, 25, 31, 39 South Ontario Street and 14 South Erie Street, in the City of Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio; and declaring an emergency.SuspensionPass Action details Audio Audio
O-306-22 1  OrdinanceGranting a waiver of Toledo Municipal Code Section 1107.0203 Surface Parking Lot Ban Districts to allow an existing one-level surface parking lot to be increased in size at 15, 25, 31, 39 South Ontario Street and 14 South Erie Street, in the City of Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio; and declaring an emergency.EmergencyPass Action details Audio Audio
O-306-22 1  OrdinanceGranting a waiver of Toledo Municipal Code Section 1107.0203 Surface Parking Lot Ban Districts to allow an existing one-level surface parking lot to be increased in size at 15, 25, 31, 39 South Ontario Street and 14 South Erie Street, in the City of Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio; and declaring an emergency.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
R-307-22 1  ResolutionDeclaring the intent to designate the building located at 1301 Adams Street, Toledo, Ohio a historic landmark; and declaring an emergency.SuspensionPass Action details Audio Audio
R-307-22 1  ResolutionDeclaring the intent to designate the building located at 1301 Adams Street, Toledo, Ohio a historic landmark; and declaring an emergency.EmergencyPass Action details Audio Audio
R-307-22 1  ResolutionDeclaring the intent to designate the building located at 1301 Adams Street, Toledo, Ohio a historic landmark; and declaring an emergency.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio
R-308-22 1  ResolutionDeclaring the intent to designate the building located at 424 E. Manhattan Blvd., Toledo, Ohio a historic landmark; and declaring an emergency.SuspensionPass Action details Audio Audio
R-308-22 1  ResolutionDeclaring the intent to designate the building located at 424 E. Manhattan Blvd., Toledo, Ohio a historic landmark; and declaring an emergency.EmergencyPass Action details Audio Audio
R-308-22 1  ResolutionDeclaring the intent to designate the building located at 424 E. Manhattan Blvd., Toledo, Ohio a historic landmark; and declaring an emergency.PassagePass Action details Audio Audio