Public Nuisance Demolition Projects - Rodent Abatement Services
Department of Public Service
Robson (x2306)/Penn (x1536)
Authorizing the Mayor to renew the Memorandum of Understanding with the Toledo-Lucas County Health Department for the rodent abatement and release for demolition at properties declared a public nuisance by the Toledo Municipal Code; authorizing the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $85,000 from the General Fund; waiving the competitive procurement provisions of TMC Chapter 187; and declaring an emergency.
The Toledo-Lucas County Health Department (TLCHD) is the sole provider of rodent abatement and demolition release services for Toledo properties at the cost of $85 per property address. The Department of Public Service wishes to continue work under the current Memorandum of Understanding with TLCHD to abate and release properties declared a public nuisance prior to the start of the physical demolition.
NOW THEREFORE Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Toledo:
SECTION 1. That the Mayor is authorized to renew the Memorandum of Understanding with the Toledo-Lucas County Health Department for the rodent abatement and release for demolition at properties upon terms and conditions acceptable to the Directors of Law and Public Service.
SECTION 2. That this Council finds and determines that it is in the best interest of the city to waive the competitive procurement requirements of TMC Chapter 187 for the reason that this is an extension of existing sole source services through a local member public agency.
SECTION 3. That the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $85,000 is authorized from the General Fund Account Code 1001-27100-5634001STDSTD for the rodent abatement and release.
SECTION 4. That the Finance Director is authorized to draw their warrant or warrants against the Account Code listed in Section 3 upon presentation of pr...
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