DPS 2021 SBH SEAWALL $507,000
Streets, Bridges & Harbor
Jeremy Mikolajczyk (x1537)
Paul Rasmusson (x7868)
Authorizing the expenditure of $507,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund; authorizing the Mayor to take bids and enter into contracts for Improvements to the Downtown Seawall; and declaring an emergency.
As a result of Mannik & Smith Group's inspection and recommendations, a large section of the concrete walkway on the riverfront in Promenade Park has been closed to traffic due to structural concerns. This section of the park is typically heavily traveled by foot and bicycle. It is the desire of the City of Toledo to repair and restore the necessary sections of seawall to provide a safe multi-use path along the riverfront downtown. This path will be eventually incorporated into the Toledo Metroparks Downtown Riverwalk. This project has been fully designed and competitively bid for construction. The lowest bidder came in at $1,442,904.75, an amount appropriate for the size and nature of this project. Ordinance 117-20 authorized $1,000,000 toward this project. Ordinance 496-20 appropriated an additional $507,000 toward this project.
This legislation authorizes the expenditure of the funds appropriated under ordinance 496-20.
The fiscal impact of this ordinance is as follows:
- The amount of funds requested: $507,000 already appropriated. No new funds.
- The expenditure budget line item: 5040-23100-8CP2029SEAWAL
- New revenue generated (operational revenue, grants, if any): none
- Revenue budget line item (if any): none
- Are funds budgeted in the current fiscal year (yes/no)?: yes
- Is this a capital project (yes/no)? yes
- If yes, is it new or existing (new/existing)? Upgrade existing
- What section of the City's Strategic Plan does this support:
o Excellence in Basic Services (yes/no) yes
o Quality Community Investment (Livable City, Development) (yes/no) yes
o Workplace Culture & Customer Servic...
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