Zoning & Planning Committee
Amending Toledo Municipal Code (TMC), Part Eleven, Replacing "One Stop Shop, Building Inspection, and Code Enforcement" with "Division of Building Inspection" and replacing "Commissioner of Building Inspection and Code Enforcement" with "Commissioner of Building Inspection"; and declaring an emergency.
The request is a text amendment to modify various sections of the Toledo Municipal Code (TMC) Chapter 11 to reflect the current structure and implementation of the TMC Chapter 11 Rules and Regulations. Three (3) City of Toledo offices are responsible for enforcing and carrying out the Zoning Code, and the Code itself needs to reflect which office is assigned the responsibilities of the Zoning Code. Clarifying the correct agency will provide accurate information for citizens and less confusion for management.
Over the past few decades, the responsibilities of the Plan Commission, Division of Building Inspections, and Division of Code Enforcement staff have evolved as more efficient operating procedures have been implemented. Previously, "One Stop Shop" was the name given to staff from the Division of Building Inspections and the Division of Code Enforcement who worked with citizens on their requests. It was found that this overlap caused confusion for applicants and staff rather than efficiency, and the "One Stop Shop" is no longer used. Also, Plan Commission staff now take in applications and requests that once were taken in by the "One Stop Shop" or Division of Building Inspections.
Another correction to be made in Chapter 11 of the TMC is clarifying which department head is responsible for interpretations, administrative decisions, and enforcement. At one time the Commissioner of Building Inspection and the Commissioner of Code Enforcement were proposed to be the same position, which is no longer applicable. The two (2) positions are separate with distinct responsibilities. Chapter 11 of t...
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