TMC 1111.0705 Waiver
City Council
Councilman Melden
Authorizing the waiver TMC section 1111.0705 entitled "City Council Hearing and Decision" to allow the Zoning & Planning Committee of Toledo City Council to hold a public hearing prior to 30 days after receipt of the Plan Commission recommendation on SUP-11003-23: Special use permit for a New Middle School at 3547 Quast Lane; and declaring an emergency.
The purpose of this ordinance is to waive TMC. Sec. 1111.0705 that states as follows:
Not less than 30 days after receiving the Plan Commissions recommendation or after having allowed the time required for the Plan Commissions consideration, the City Council must hold at least one public hearing on the proposed Special Use Permit. Following the public hearing, at the same or subsequent meeting, the City Council must take action to approve, approve with modifications or deny the proposed amendment based on the criteria of section 1111.0706.
Plans have been brought forth to build a new middle school at 3547 Quast Lane. Due to Grant funding time limitations, the project needs to move forward sooner than originally planned.
The public notice requirement prior to the Council hearing under TMC sections 1111.0702 and 1111.0302 and 1111.0302 will be provided.
NOW THEREFORE Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Toledo:
SECTION 1. That TMC section 1111.0705 is waived to allow for a reduction in the required time period between the City Plan Commission hearing and the Zoning & Planning Committee public hearing. The Plan Commission hearing will be held on March 14, 2024 and the Zoning & Planning Committee will be held on Tuesday March 26, 2024. This is a time frame of 19 days apart.
SECTION 2. That the waiver of TMC Sec. 1111.0705 be limited to the following properties located at 3547 Quast Lane and more described below:
Parcel I.D. 2336742:
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