2024 CCGA Probation Program Grant -Addendum
Toledo Municipal Court
Lisa Falgiano (x1949)
Authorizing the Mayor to accept and deposit an additional $76,669.00 from a grant received from the State of Ohio, Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, Division of Parole and Community Services for the appropriation and expenditure of those funds from the Community Corrections Grant, making the total grant award $1,610,069 for 2023-2025, authorizing the execution of any grant documents that may be required for the acceptance of the funds; and declaring an emergency.
Ordinance 376-23 passed July 18th, 2023 allowed The Toledo Municipal Court to accept a grant of $1,533,400, a renewal and combination of the previous Justice Reinvestment and Incentive Grant (J.R.I.G) and the 408 Standard Probation program, from the State of Ohio, Department of Rehabilitation and Correction for the continuation of community-based non-residential programs and to improve probation services and to enhance access to treatment and educational programing for offenders in Toledo, Ohio, in 2023-2025. Since that time, the State of Ohio, Department of Rehabilitation and Correction has made an addendum to the grant awarding an additional $76,669.00 for the 2023-2025 2024 CCGA Probation Program Grant. The total awarded amount for 2023-2025 grant cycle will be $1,610,069.
This grant provides funding for the continuation of intensive supervision, remote reporting and electronic monitoring programs, pays for most of the employment expenses of two (2) Probation Officers, assessments, substance abuse treatment, necessary services and supplies for this program and provides 100% funding for 1.5 FTE support staff positions, allows moderate and high-risk offenders to receive community-based substance abuse assessments, outpatient and residential substance abuse treatment, domestic violence counseling and employment counseling through June 30, 2025.
The grant pr...
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