Water Reclamation
Mike Schreidah (x2607)
Authorizing the mayor to apply for, enter into agreements, accept and deposit loan proceeds from the Ohio EPA Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF) and/or the Ohio Water Development Authority (OWDA) into the Sanitary Sewer Replacement Fund for Improvement No. 65, Chlorination Project; authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of the loan proceeds from the Sanitary Sewer Replacement Loan Fund in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000; authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of $10,000 from the Sanitary Sewer Replacement Fund for the payment of loan administration fees and miscellaneous costs; authorizing a dedicated source for repayment of said loan; authorizing the mayor to accept bids and execute necessary agreements and contracts related to the project; and declaring an emergency.
The Division of Water Reclamation received two formal proposals for the construction of the Chlorination Project, with the lowest bid exceeding the Engineer's construction estimate by $2,000,000. The Division cannot rebid the construction work as estimates are not guaranteed to go down. The Division must proceed with getting a construction contract with the company that provided the lowest bid in order to keep the project on schedule. Ordinance #432-23 authorized the mayor to apply for, enter into agreements, and accept a loan from the Ohio EPA Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF) and/or the Ohio Water Development Authority (OWDA) in an amount not to exceed $16,500,000. This amount included monies to cover all design and construction activities in addition to $2,000,000 in contingency, which will now be used to cover the shortage in construction costs. The Division is now seeking an additional $2,000,000 to use for contingency during the construction phase of the Chlorination Project. This additional money will have to be included in the total loan amoun...
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