Traffic Management
Councilwoman Morris
Amending Ordinance 391-23 TMC Chapter 901 (Complete Streets Policy); to exclude cul de sacs and dead end streets from the sidewalk requirement and declaring an emergency.
City Council desires to revise Chapter 901 in the Toledo Municipal Code to define the City's Complete Streets Policy. This ordinance will amend this chapter.
NOW THEREFORE Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Toledo:
SECTION 1. That the existing Toledo Municipal Code ("TMC") Chapter 901 which reads as follows:
Chapter 901
Complete Streets Policy
901.01 Definition.
901.01 Terminology.
901.02 Goals.
901.03 Components,
901.01. Definition.
Complete Streets is an approach to planning, designing, building, operating, and maintaining streets that enable safe access to all people who need to use them, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit riders of all ages and abilities.
901.02. Terminology.
Right of way or Public way - property under the control of the City or other governing body that generally encompasses the roadway and a set distance on either side; commonly to the back of the sidewalk or furthest utility.
Stakeholders - A stakeholder is a person, group, or organization with a vested interest in the decision-making and activities of an organization or project. Stakeholders can be members of the organization they have a stake in, or they can have no official affiliation.
Environmental Circumstances - External conditions or surroundings in which people live, work, play, or travel.
Facilities - something designed, built, or installed to serve a specific purpose for convenience or service.
Mobility - the ability to move or be moved freely and easily.
Context Sensitive Design - aims to preserve or enhance both environment and community while maintaining safety and mobility, making sure the final product best fits ...
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