Ohio Statewide Search & Rescue (Water) Capability Grant - FY24-25
Toledo Fire & Rescue Operations
Battalion Chief Ted Sheares (x3515)
Authorizing the Mayor to accept an Ohio Statewide Search and Rescue (Water) Capability (Am. Sub. HB 166, 133th GA) Regional Grant from the Ohio Emergency Management Agency in an amount not to exceed $8,083 for the City of Toledo, Department of Fire & Rescue Operations; authorizing the deposit, appropriation, and expenditure of funds; and declaring an emergency.
The Ohio Emergency Management Agency has awarded the Toledo Fire and Rescue Department a Statewide Search and Rescue (Water) Capability grant not to exceed Eight Thousand Eighty-Three dollars ($8,083). The purpose of this grant is to support search & rescue throughout the state by administering & maintaining the Ohio Fire Chiefs' Emergency Response Plan/System, which is one of the key dispatching capabilities for search and rescue teams in Ohio.
These funds will continue to build and sustain Toledo Fire's collapse search and rescue capabilities, including costs associated with team administration, equipment, expendable materials, supply purchases, vehicles, equipment maintenance, training, and similarly related initiatives.
NOW THEREFORE Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Toledo:
SECTION 1. That the Mayor is authorized to accept and deposit a grant from the Ohio Emergency Management Agency into the Operation Grants Fund Code 2016-53000-3G00414STDSTD in an amount not to exceed $8,083 to support search & rescue throughout the state by administering and maintaining the Ohio Fire Chiefs' Emergency Response Plan/System.
SECTION 2. That the appropriation of $8,083 is authorized from the unappropriated grant proceeds of the Operation Grants Fund to Account Code 2016-53000-3G00414STDSTD and the expenditure of the same for specialty team equipment purchases and training initiatives is authori...
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