DPS New Landfill Cell Construction and related Infrastructure Improvements $4,100,000
Solid Waste
Ryan Murphy (x2640)/Megan Robson (X2306)
Authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of $4,100,000 from the unappropriated balance of the Capital Improvement Fund for landfill cell construction, related infrastructure improvements and professional services at the Hoffman Road Landfill; authorizing the Mayor to prepare plans and specifications, accept bids and award contracts necessary to complete landfill cell construction and related infrastructure improvements; and declaring an emergency.
This Ordinance authorizes the appropriation and expenditure of funds from the Capital Improvement (CIP) Fund for landfill cell construction and related infrastructure improvement activities at the Hoffman Road Landfill (landfill). These activities are required to provide sufficient constructed disposal capacity for uninterrupted solid waste disposal at the landfill while maintaining regulatory compliance with the Ohio Administrative Code and the landfill's Permit-to-Install (PTI). Ordinance 105-22 noted the Division is taking a phased approach to completing cell construction and related infrastructure improvements to spread financial resources over a period of three (3) years; this is year two.
To implement cell construction activities, while maintaining compliance, the following activities are required: 1) environmental consulting and engineering, including Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) and reporting, 2) construction of a new disposal area, 3) upgrading the landfill Gas Collection & Control and Leachate Collection Systems (GCCS and LCS, respectively), 4) development and construction of necessary storm water and erosion control measures, and 5) infrastructure improvements and replacement.
NOW, THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Toledo:
SECTION 1. The amount of $4,100,000 is au...
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