Water Reclamation
Dave Selhorst (x2615)
Authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of $750,000 from the Sewer Replacement Fund for the design and construction of the Ogontz Pump Station Project; authorizing the Mayor to accept bids and award contracts and/or purchase orders for design, construction, testing, commissioning and miscellaneous services as necessary to facilitate the design and construction of the Ogontz Pump Station Project; and declaring an emergency.
A subdivision of approximately 77 homes located in the City of Toledo near the Ohio Turnpike in South Toledo discharges its sewage to a gravity sewer line that flows to the City of Maumee and eventually to the Lucas County Wastewater Treatment Plant for treatment. This has been ongoing since the time the subdivision was constructed and Toledo pays Maumee to treat the sewage flows from this subdivision. The Department of Public Utilities is looking into the construction of a new pump station to pump the sewage from this subdivision to the City's collection system. The Division of Water Reclamation contacted three (3) local engineering firms and solicited quotations for the design of the new pump station. Only Tetra Tech responded and provided a quotation of $39,900 to complete design services. The Division estimates the total cost of engineering, construction, testing and commissioning at $750,000. The construction of this pump station will result in all the sewage from the subdivision to flow to the City's collection system and eventually to the Bay View Water Reclamation Plant in North Toledo for treatment.
NOW, THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Toledo:
SECTION 1. That the appropriation of $750,000 is authorized from the unappropriated balance of the Sewer Replacement Fund into Account Code 6073-36000-4UC5523STDSTD for the design and construction of the Ogontz Pump Station P...
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