State JAG Grant $23,468.13
Toledo Police Department
Lt. James Brown (x3203)
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the Bureau of Justice Assistance through the Office of Criminal Justice Services and to accept and deposit an Edward Byrne Memorial Grant 2021-JG-A02-6907 in the amount of $23,468.13 for the Toledo Police Department; authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of funds from the Operation Grants fund; and declaring an emergency.
The Toledo Police Department has requested and received $23,468.13 in Edward Byrne Memorial Grant funds from the Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services for the Toledo Police Gun Violence Reduction Project. There is a local match of $23,468.13 required for this grant, which will be for personnel salaries.
NOW, THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Toledo:
SECTION 1. That the Mayor is authorized to enter into a grant agreement with the Bureau of Justice Assistance through OCJS and to accept and deposit Edward Byrne Memorial Grant proceeds in the amount of $23,468.13 into the Operation Grants Fund Account Code 2016-52000-3G07715STDSTD.
SECTION 2. That the appropriation of $23,468.13 is authorized from the unappropriated grant proceeds of the Operation Grants Fund to Account Code 2016-52000-3G07715STDSTD; and further authorizing the expenditure of same for personnel overtime related to the Gun Violence Reduction Project.
SECTION 3. That the Finance Director is authorized to draw warrant or warrants against the above mentioned Account Code in an amount not to exceed $23,468.13 in payment of the obligations authorized above by the terms of the grant upon presentation of the proper voucher or vouchers.
SECTION 4. That this Ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure and shall be in force and effect from and after its passage. The reason for the emergency lies in the fact that it is necessary...
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