Doug Stephens (x1845)
Authorizing the Mayor to accept bids and enter into necessary agreements for public lead service line replacements; authorizing the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $1,370,350 from the Local Fiscal Recovery Fund for said purpose; and declaring an emergency.
Ordinance 608-23 authorized the expenditure of federal ARPA funds for private lead and galvanized service line replacements and plumbing repairs related to the AMI project. This Ordinance expands the use of remaining funds in this project to include public side lead line replacement.
NOW THEREFORE Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Toledo:
SECTION 1. That the Mayor is authorized to accept bids and enter into necessary agreements for public lead service line replacements, upon terms and conditions acceptable to the Director of Public Utilities and the Director of Law.
SECTION 2. That the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $1,370,350 is authorized from the Local Fiscal Recovery Fund Account Code 2021-34000-422LEADLNEWSB for public lead service line replacements.
SECTION 3. That the Finance Director is authorized to draw their warrant or warrants against the above Account Code in an amount not to exceed $1,370,350 in payment of the above-authorized obligation upon presentation of the proper voucher or vouchers.
SECTION 4. That this Ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure and shall be in force and effect from and after its passage. The reason for the emergency lies in the fact that same is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety and property, and for the further reason that this Ordinance must be immediately effective in order to ensure the distribution of quality potable drinking water to the residents of the City of Toledo.
Vote on emergency clause: yeas 12, nays 0.
Passed: December 4, 2024, as an emergenc...
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