Engineering and Construction Management
Andrea Kroma (x2163)
Authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of an amount not to exceed $5,500,000 from the unappropriated balance of the Water Replacement Fund for the Water Main Program; authorizing the mayor to prepare plans and specifications, acquire required rights-of-way and easements as appropriate, accept bids and enter into contracts after due advertising for the design and construction of water mains; and declaring an emergency.
This ordinance funds the continuation of the city's systematic, annual water main replacement program to replace deteriorating and undersized water mains, and to loop dead ends within the city's water distribution system. This work is necessary to maintain a safe, reliable service that will meet the demands of the City of Toledo water distribution system.
NOW, THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Toledo:
SECTION 1. That an amount not to exceed $5,500,000 is appropriated from the unappropriated balance of the Water Replacement Fund into Account Code 6063-35000-4UC1923STDSTD and further authorizing the expenditure of the same for the Water Main Program.
SECTION 2. That the mayor is authorized to prepare plans and specifications, accept bids, and enter into contracts for the design and construction of water mains, including such items as labor, materials, construction testing, and professional services for property appraisals, title work, negotiations, acquisition, and environmental contamination studies that are necessary to acquire additional rights-of-way and easements as required. Contracts shall contain such terms and conditions as the Direction of Transportation may deem requisite and proper and shall be subject to approval by the Director of Law.
SECTION 3. That the Director of Finance is authorized to issue their warrant or warrants against the account code listed ...
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