Water Reclamation
Christine Minor (x2624)
Authorizing the expenditure of $500,000 from the Sewer Replacement Fund for the Plant Pumps, Motors & Valves Rebuild/Replacement Project at the Water Reclamation Plant; waiving the competitive bidding provisions of TMC Chapter 187 for proprietary parts and equipment; authorizing the Mayor to accept bids and award contracts for equipment rebuild with nonproprietary parts or equipment replacement and for professional, engineering, permitting, testing and construction services necessary for the completion of the Plant Pumps, Motors & Valves Rebuild/Replacement Project; and declaring an emergency.
The Bay View Water Reclamation Plant houses the traditional treatment facilities which can handle up to 195 million gallons per day, and the wet weather treatment facilities which can handle up to 205 million gallons per day. The Plant as well as the outside pump stations employ numerous pumps, valves, gates, motors, actuators, etc. Currently the condition of many of the above mentioned equipment used to maintain NPDES compliance are of great concern to the Division. Various improvements to these components throughout the facilities need to be undertaken to maintain a reliable wastewater treatment system. The Division intends to seek proposals for rebuilding and/or replacing pumps, valves, gates, motors, actuators as needed in order to maintain wastewater treatment compliance and the necessary redundancy of such equipment as needed at the Plant. Some equipment will require proprietary parts for rebuild and others can only be purchased from sole sources. For that, the Division is requesting a waiver of all competitive bidding provisions of TMC Chapter 187.
NOW, THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Toledo:
SECTION 1. That the expenditure of $500,000 is authorized from the Sewer Replacement Fund ...
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