Bureau of Justice Community Based Violence Intervention Grant- $2,000,000
Mayors Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement
Malcolm Cunningham (x1504)
Authorizing the Mayor to accept a Community-Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative Site-Based grant in the amount of $2,000,000 from the U.S Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Assistance; authorizing the Mayor to enter into needed agreements with the U.S. Department of Justice for the administration of the grant and grant programs; authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of funds in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000 from the Operation Grants Fund; authorizing the Mayor to enter into contracts and sub-grant agreements as contemplated by the Office of Justice Programs; and declaring an emergency.
The Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement (MONSE) applied for and received a grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance's Community-Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative Site-Based program. The goal of this project is to prevent and reduce violent crime in Toledo, Ohio by developing an integrated, community-driven, evidence-informed ecosystem of Community-based Violence Intervention and Prevention (CVIP) practice. Building on existing needs assessments, this project will conduct an in-depth asset and capacity analysis of Toledo's CVIP landscape to identify and map gaps between high-risk populations and current CVIP CBO capacity and determine appropriate evidence-based models to address the identified gap. The enhanced needs assessment will be conducted in collaboration between the Community Action Table (CAT), a multidisciplinary stakeholder working group, and the research partner at Bowling Green State University. The findings of this assessment will be synthesized with an analysis of spatial, temporal, demographic, and group-based patterns of gun violence led by a Violence Reduction Council (VRC); together, the enhan...
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