Division of Engineering Services
Karl Huss (ext. 2847)
Authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of $310,000 from the Special Assessment Improvement Fund for the 2019 Sidewalk Program; authorizing the mayor to prepare plans and specifications, acquire required rights-of-way as appropriate, and enter into contracts for this project within the Division of Engineering Services; and declaring an emergency.
Per Ordinance 97-19, the Division of Engineering Services received $1,250,000 from the Capital Improvement Program Fund for the 2019 Sidewalk Program. Further, Resolution xxx-19 was enacted to begin the assessment process and provide notice to property owners in accordance with the city's sidewalk policy.
All of the funds included in this ordinance are for work that is scheduled to begin in 2019. Authorization for appropriation and expenditure of these critical funds now will allow for timely bidding and construction to ensure all projects are completed this year in a balanced, efficient fashion.
NOW, THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Toledo:
SECTION 1. That an amount not to exceed $310,000 is appropriated from the Special Assessment Improvement Fund into Account Code 5057-35000-8A10639STDSTD for the assessed portion of the 2019 Sidewalk Program; and the expenditure of same is authorized.
SECTION 2. That the mayor is authorized to prepare plans and specifications and to enter into contracts after accepting bids for the 2019 Sidewalk Program as necessary to complete the improvements identified above including such items as labor, materials, construction testing and professional services and for property appraisals, title work, negotiations, acquisition, and environmental contamination studies that are necessary to acquire additional rights-of-way as required. Contracts shall contain such terms and conditions as the mayor may deem req...
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