Amend District Improvement Program - South Toledo Gateway Project
City Council
Council Member Martinez
Amending Ordinance 673-23; and declaring an emergency.
The South Toledo Gateway Project aims to elevate one of the City's primary gateways from Maumee through the installation of repurposed TOLEDO letters positioned prominently above the Anthony Wayne Trail on the Chessie Circle Trail bridge. This collaborative project is being undertaken in partnership with Metroparks Toledo, which will install complementary signage adjacent to the City's iconic letters, further enhancing the significance of this gateway into the City.
Ordinance 673-23 was approved by Toledo City Council authorizing $20,000 for the project. The City competitively bid the project and the lowest and best bid was $30,000. Therefore, Ordinance 673-23 is being amended to provide additional funding needed for the project.
NOW THEREFORE Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Toledo:
SECTION 1. That the Section 1 of Ordinance 673-23, which reads as follows
SECTION 1. That a sum of $20,000 is authorized for expenditure from Account Code 5040-16400-8CP2222DNGPRO from the Capital Improvement Fund District Improvement Program for Beverly Roundabout Gateway Project.
is repealed.
SECTION 2. That a new Section 1 of Ordinance 673-23 is enacted to read as follows
SECTION 1. That a sum of $30,000 is authorized for expenditure from Account Code 5040-10100-8CP2222DNGPRO from the Capital Improvement Fund District Improvement Program for the South Toledo Gateway Project.
SECTION 3. That this Ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. The reason for the emergency lies in the fact that the same is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety and property and for the further reason that this Ordinance must be immediately effec...
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