Ohio Department of Public Safety - FY24
Toledo Fire & Rescue Operations
CFO Ted Sheares (x3515)
Authorizing the Mayor to accept an Ohio Department of Public Safety Grant from the Ohio Division of Emergency Services in amount not to exceed $3,264.88 for the City of Toledo, Department of Fire & Rescue Operations; authorizing the deposit, appropriation, and expenditure of funds; and declaring an emergency.
The Ohio Division of Emergency Medical Services has awarded the Toledo Fire and Rescue Department a Public Safety Grant of $3,264.88, to support Fire Department emergency medical training supply purchases, which includes CPR equipment, such as adult and pediatric manikin airway trainers, ResQPODs, and ResQPUMPs.
NOW THEREFORE Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Toledo:
SECTION 1. That the Mayor is authorized to accept and deposit a grant from the Ohio Department of Public Safety into the Operation Grants Fund Code 2016-53000-3G04560STDSTD in an amount not to exceed $3,264.88 for Fire and Rescue Department emergency medical training supply purchases.
SECTION 2. That the appropriation of $3,264.88 is authorized from the unappropriated grant proceeds of the Operation Grants Fund to Account Code 2016-53000-3G04560STDSTD and the expenditure of the same is authorized for Fire and Rescue Department emergency medical training supply purchases.
SECTION 3. That the Director of Finance is authorized to draw warrant or warrants against the above Account Code in an amount not to exceed $3,264.88 in payment of the above authorized obligations upon presentation of the proper voucher or vouchers.
SECTION 4. That this Ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure and shall be in force and effect from and after its passage. The reason for the emergency lies in the fact that it is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety and proper...
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