Sewer & Drainage Services
Calvin Harris (x2170)
Authorizing the expenditure of $12,000 from the Sanitary Sewer Operating Fund to Klumm Brothers Landscaping & Excavating for the emergency removal of a log jam in Swan Creek near 1340 Eastgate Road; authorizing the mayor to enter into necessary agreements; making certain findings with respect thereto; and declaring an emergency.
The Division of Sewer & Drainage Services was made aware of a log jam that was obstructing the flow and causing damage by eroding of the ditch bank in Swan Creek near 1340 Eastgate. To remove the log jam and mitigate the damage, the blockages had to be removed. The work was considered an emergency because it needed immediate repair to assure the safety of the citizens. The Department of Public Utilities (DPU) required the expertise and equipment available through a private contractor to complete the removal of the log jam in May of 2023. TMC Section 187 requires City Council to be informed of the emergency and for authorization to pay the work. Cost quotes were solicited from qualified contractors. Sufficient funds are available within the DPU operating budget to pay for this emergency storm water repair.
NOW, THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Toledo:
SECTION 1. That the sum of $12,000 is authorized for expenditure from the Storm Water Utility Operating Fund, Account Code 607A-37000-4000559STDSTD, to Klumm Brothers Landscaping & Excavating for payment of the removal of a log jam in Swan Creek near 1340 Eastgate Road.
SECTION 2. That the Mayor is authorized to enter into a contract for the purpose authorized in Section 1, upon terms and conditions acceptable to the Director of Public Utilities and Director of Law.
SECTION 3. That Council finds and determines that in accordance with TMC Chapter 187.20 that the work was an emergency that could no...
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