Engineering and Construction Management
Lee Schultz (x2756)
Authorizing the improvement to portions of Norwalk Street bounded by Creston St. and N. Wheeling St., by installing two (2) street lights; authorizing the annual cost of $222.96 for said improvement from the General Fund; authorizing the payment of $2,600 from the General Fund to Toledo Edison for a one-time installation cost; and declaring an emergency.
The owners of the properties abutting the various streets, listed below, have requested by majority petition that the City install LED street lighting to protect their properties and provide nighttime safety. This resolution proposes to install two (2) streetlights to better illuminate the area.
The total annual cost for the operation and maintenance of the lighting is $222.96 of which the City's share is $25.57. Additionally, there is a one-time installation cost of $2,600 to be paid from the General Fund utilities account.
NOW THEREFORE Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Toledo:
SECTION 1. That it is determined to proceed with the improvement of the following lots and lands by installing street lighting, as described below, pursuant to the authority cited below and in accordance with Resolution No. 386-24, adopted on August 14, 2024, and in accordance with plans, specifications, and estimates heretofore approved and on file in the Division of Engineering and Construction Management.
A. Norwalk Street bounded by Creston St. & N. Wheeling St., by installing two (2) 90-watt, LED cobra-style streetlights on wood poles with overhead service.
SECTION 2. That the plans, specifications, and cost estimates for this proposed improvement, which are on file in the Division of Engineering and Construction Management, are approved.
SECTION 3. That the lots and lands identified in Section 1 are specifically benefited by said improvement and each shall ...
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