File #: O-417-23    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Approved
File created: 8/4/2023 In control: Law Department
On agenda: 8/15/2023 Final action: 8/15/2023
Title: Authorizing the settlement of the claims of Sierra Adebisi in Case No. CI 20-2935 captioned Sierra Adebisi v. City of Toledo, et al. pending in the Lucas County Court of Common Pleas for the State of Ohio for the sum of $135,000; authorizing the expenditure of $135,000 from the Risk Management Fund; and declaring an emergency.



Department of Law

T. Lavalette x1856



Authorizing the settlement of the claims of Sierra Adebisi in Case No. CI 20-2935 captioned Sierra Adebisi v. City of Toledo, et al. pending in the Lucas County Court of Common Pleas for the State of Ohio for the sum of $135,000; authorizing the expenditure of $135,000 from the Risk Management Fund; and declaring an emergency.




Sierra Adebisi brought suit against the City of Toledo, Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz and Safety Director Brian Byrd alleging that she was the subject of unlawful discrimination and/or retaliation and false light publications stemming from her termination as a recruit with the Toledo Fire & Rescue Academy.  Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz and Safety Director Brian Byrd, as well as the false light publication claim, were dismissed by the Court.  After extensive negotiations, a settlement agreement resolving all Ms. Adebisi’s claims was reached conditioned on the approval of City Council and the Mayor.                      


A proposed agreement has been reached in the amount of $135,000.00 to settle all remaining claims, including back wages and attorney fees resulting from the incident described herein without constituting an admission of liability for any violation of state or federal law.



NOW, THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Toledo:


                     SECTION 1.  That payment of $135,000.00 in settlement of Ms. Adebisi’s claims in Case No. CI 20-2935 captioned Sierra Adebisi v. City of Toledo, et al. pending in the Lucas County Court of Common Pleas for the state of Ohio is approved.


                     SECTION 2.  That payment of these claims is contingent upon the execution of the proper releases by the Ms. Adebisi.


                     SECTION 3.  That the Director of Finance is authorized to draw her warrant or warrants to Sierra Adebisi and her attorney, Norman A. Abood, Esq., in the sum of $135,000.00 against Account No. 12000/7095/1157001STDSTD upon presentation of the proper vouchers.


SECTION 4.  That this Ordinance being an emergency measure shall be in force and effect from and after its passage. The reason for the emergency lies in the fact that this ordinance is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety and property and for the further reason that this ordinance must be immediately effective in order to implement the settlement in accordance with the conditional agreement of the administration.




                     Vote on emergency clause:  yeas _____, nays _____.


                     Passed:  _________________, as an emergency measure:  yeas _____, nays _____.



Attest:  ________________________                                              __________________________________

                            Clerk of Council                                                                           President of Council



Approved:  _____________________                                          __________________________________




                     I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of an Ordinance passed by Council ________________________.



Attest:  ________________________

                    Clerk of Council