Engineering and Construction Management
M. Elling (x2276)
Authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of an amount not to exceed $5,700,000 from the unappropriated balance of the Sewer Replacement Fund for various sewer replacement and improvement projects; authorizing the Mayor to prepare engineering studies, plans and specifications, acquire rights-of-way and easements as necessary, accept bids and enter into contracts; and declaring an emergency.
This Ordinance funds the replacement and improvement of broken and deteriorated sewers throughout the city along with identifying structural problems in critical sections of the aging sewer system. This work is necessary to maintain safe, reliable service to the citizens.
NOW THEREFORE Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Toledo:
SECTION 1. That an amount not to exceed $5,700,000 is appropriated from the unappropriated balance of the Sewer Replacement Fund into Account Code 6073-35000-4UC0325STDSTD; and the expenditure of the same is authorized for various sewer replacement and improvement projects.
SECTION 2. That the Mayor is authorized to prepare plans and specifications, accept bids, and enter into contracts for said projects including such items as labor, materials, real estate incidentals, testing, purchase of rights-of-way and easements, equipment, and professional services necessary to undertake said projects. Contracts shall contain such terms and conditions as the Mayor may deem requisite and proper and shall be subject to approval by the Director of Law and the Director of Transportation.
SECTION 3. That the Director of Finance is authorized to issue their warrant or warrants against the Account Code listed in Section 1 in an amount not to exceed $5,700,000 in payment of the above authorized obligations upon presentation of the proper voucher or vouchers.
SECTION 4. That the disappropriation of any remaining budget to fund balance is authorized at project closeout.
SECTION 5. That this Ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. The reason for the emergency lies in the fact that this Ordinance is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, and property, and for the further reason that this Ordinance must be immediately effective in order to permit the earliest possible construction of the sewer replacements.
Vote on emergency clause: yeas _____, nays _____.
Passed: _________________, as an emergency measure: yeas _____, nays _____.
Attest: ________________________ __________________________________
Clerk of Council President of Council
Approved: _____________________ __________________________________
I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of an Ordinance passed by Council ________________________.
Attest: ________________________
Clerk of Council