Streets, Bridges, and Harbor
Jeremy Mikolajczyk (x1537)
Paul M. Rasmusson (x7868)
Authorizing the appropriation of an amount not to exceed $195,700 in the Capital Improvement Fund; authorizing the Mayor to enter into a purchase agreement for capital equipment for the Division of Streets, Bridges, and Harbor; authorizing the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $195,700 for said capital purchases; authorizing the mayor to execute a contract with the Clark Equipment Company / Bobcat of Toledo, Rudd Equipment and Southeastern Equipment and using Ohio STS Pricing, Sourcewell or other similar government purchase agreements waiving competitive procurement provisions of TMC Chapter 187; authorizing the Mayor to accepts bids and award contracts for said purchases; and declaring an emergency.
The Division of Streets, Bridges, and Harbor (SB&H) has taken over cleaning up blight within the City of Toledo. Although SB&H has many pieces of equipment it is necessary to purchase new equipment specifically for blight clean up. This ordinance will allow the purchase of one (1) mini track skid steer that will allow crews to enter through small spaces such as fenced in yards to pick up debris, one (1) Volvo L35GS Loader that will allow crews to pick up large or piles of debris, one (1) Case Skid Steer Loader that will be used to collect trash within a yard, and a trailer to haul this equipment. Currently, the crew is using equipment that was scheduled to be in the street repair programs full-time, but is being shared.
The following items will be purchased:
Equipment Purchase Estimated Price
Bobcat MT100 Mini Track Loader $24,100.00
Volvo L35GS Loader $98,000.00
Case SR240B Skid Steer $43,000.00
Skid Steer Trailer $14,000.00
Total $179,100.00
The total amount to be expended in the above schedule is not to exceed $195,700.
As a response to the public health emergency and the negative impacts the crisis has had on neighborhood blight, the city will be utilizing internal Clean Toledo crews as well as contractors to clean up blighted areas. This ordinance will allow for the addition of a Clean Toledo crew and contractors to address the service backlog. Crews collect all debris and dispose at the city’s Hoffman Road Landfill. The city will track the pounds of debris and number of tires collected on a daily basis using Cityworks software.
The fiscal impact of this Ordinance is as follows:
- The amount of funds requested: $195,700 CIP
- The expenditure budget line item: 5040-23100-8CP2141CLEANT
- New revenue generated (operational revenue, grants, if any): no
- Revenue budget line item (if any): none
- Are funds budgeted in the current fiscal year (yes/no)?: no
- Is this a capital project (yes/no)? no
- If yes, is it new or existing (new/existing)? N/A
- What section of the city’s Strategic Plan does this support:
o Excellence in Basic Services (yes/no) yes
o Quality Community Investment (Livable City, Development) (yes/no) yes
o Workplace Culture & Customer Service (yes/no) yes
o Environment (yes/no) yes
NOW, THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Toledo:
SECTION 1. That the appropriation of an amount not to exceed $197,500 is authorized from the unappropriated balance to the Capital Improvement Fund Account Code 5040-23100-8CP2141CLEANT and expenditure of same is authorized for the purchase of blight equipment for the division of Streets, Bridges & Harbor.
SECTION 2. That the Mayor is authorized to enter into a contract with Clark Equipment Company dba Bobcat Company for the purchase of one (1) Bobcat MT100 Mini Track Loader waiving the competitive procurement requirements of TMC Chapter 187 and using the State Term Schedule purchasing contract, upon terms and conditions acceptable to the Directors of Law and Public Service.
SECTION 3. That the Mayor is authorized to enter into a contract with Rudd Equipment for the purchase of one (1) Volvo L35GS Loader waiving the competitive procurement requirements of TMC Chapter 187 and using the Sourcewell purchasing contract, upon terms and conditions acceptable to the Directors of Law and Public Service.
SECTION 4. That the Mayor is authorized to enter into a contract with Southeastern Equipment for the purchase of one (1) Case SR240B Skid Steer Loader waiving the competitive procurement requirements of TMC Chapter 187 and using the State Term Schedule purchasing contract, upon terms and conditions acceptable to the Directors of Law and Public Service.
SECTION 5. That the Mayor is authorized to accept bids and awards contracts for the purchase of one (1) Trailer for the above skid steer, and for contractors to address blight service backlog upon terms and conditions acceptable to the Directors of Law and Public Service.
SECTION 6. That the Finance Director is authorized to draw his warrant or warrants against the Account Code listed in Section 1 and Section 2 upon presentation of properly approved voucher or vouchers in a total amount not to exceed $195,700.
SECTION 7. That this Ordinance, being an emergency measure, shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. The reason for the emergency lies in the fact that it is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety and property, and for the further reason that the Ordinance must be immediately effective in order to ensure that the vehicular fleet is equipped in a fashion supportive of continuous daily City services to the community.
Vote on emergency clause: yeas 12, nays 0.
Passed: August 17, 2021, as an emergency measure: yeas 12, nays 0.
Gerald E. Dendinger Matt Cherry
Clerk of Council President of Council
Approved: August 17, 2021
Wade Kapszukiewicz