Network Infrastructure Support
Department of Information, Communications, Technology
Anne Bennett (x1493)
Authorizing the mayor to enter into a three-year agreement for Network Infrastructure Support; authorizing the annual expenditure of an amount not to exceed $479,000 from the Information Communications Technology (ICT) Fund; and declaring an emergency.
The City’s current network infrastructure contract is expiring. Competitive proposals were sought in order to continue receiving Network Infrastructure Support. At the conclusion of the bidding period, one proposal was submitted. The city determined the vendor met all the requirements necessary to provide Network Infrastructure Support and desires to move forward with awarding a three-year contract.
The fiscal impact of this Ordinance is as follows:
- The amount of funds requested: $479,000 annually for three years; this includes the New Era contract amount $416,000 and 15% contingency to accommodate the support of any hardware or software we need to add to our environment over the life of the agreement.
- The expenditure budget line item: 7084-17500-1144006HWMAIN
- New revenue generated (operational revenue, grants, if any): none
- Revenue budget line item (if any): none
- Are funds budgeted in the current fiscal year (yes/no)?: yes
- Is this a capital project (yes/no)? no
- If yes, is it new or existing (new/existing)? n/a
- What section of the City’s Strategic Plan does this support:
o Excellence in Basic Services (yes/no) yes
o Quality Community Investment (Livable City, Development) (yes/no) no
o Workplace Culture & Customer Service (yes/no) yes
o Environment (yes/no) no
NOW, THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Toledo:
SECTION 1. That the mayor is authorized to enter into a three-year agreement for the providing Network Infrastructure Support to the city of Toledo’s Department of Information, Communications and Technology.
SECTION 2. That, subject to available appropriation in future years, the annual expenditure of an amount not to exceed $479,000 is authorized from the ICT Fund, Account Code 7084-17500-1144006HWMAIN, for the purpose listed in Section 1.
SECTION 3. That the Finance Director is authorized to draw her warrant or warrants against the above mentioned Account Code in an amount not to exceed $479,000 annually in payment of the obligations authorized above upon presentation of the proper voucher or vouchers.
SECTION 4. That this Ordinance is declared an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. The reason for the emergency lies in the fact that this Ordinance is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety and property, and for the further reason that this Ordinance must be immediately effective in order for the City to maintain and improve the City of Toledo Information and Communications Infrastructure.
Vote on emergency clause: yeas _____, nays _____.
Passed: _________________, as an emergency measure: yeas _____, nays _____.
Attest: ________________________ __________________________________
Clerk of Council President of Council
Approved: _____________________ __________________________________
I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of an Ordinance passed by Council ________________________.
Attest: ________________________
Clerk of Council