Zoning & Planning Committee
Approve Institutional Campus Master Plan for the property located at 2225 Nebraska Avenue, in the City of Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio; and declaring an emergency.
An application (Z-8004-24) for the adoption of the Institutional Campus Master Plan for the property located at 2225 Nebraska Avenue, Toledo, Ohio, was submitted to the Toledo City Plan Commission for its review and recommendation.
On October 10, 2024, the Toledo City Plan Commission recommended approval of the request for the adoption of the Institutional Campus Master Plan for the property located at 2225 Nebraska Avenue, Toledo, Ohio.
On November 12, 2024, the Toledo City Council Zoning and Planning Committee left in committee due to the lack of a quorum, the request for the adoption of the Institutional Campus Master Plan for the property located at 2225 Nebraska Avenue, Toledo, Ohio.
NOW, THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Toledo:
SECTION 1. That the Institutional Campus Master Plan is hereby approved and the zoning maps attached to Part 11, Planning and Zoning, Toledo Municipal Code, are hereby authorized to be revised by changing the zoning district of that part of the City of Toledo more fully described as follows:
A parcel of land West of the Railroad
1. A parcel of land being part of the Southeast quarter (1/4) of Section Four (4) and part of the Southwest quarter (1/4) of Section four (4), in Town Three (3), in the United States Reserve of the Twelve Mile Square at the Foot of the Rapids of the Miami of Lake Erie, in the City of Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio, said parcel of land being bounded and described as follows:
2. Commencing at the intersection of the West line of the Southeast quarter (1/4) of Section Four (4) also being the East line of the Southwest quarter (1/4) of Section Four (4) with the South line of the Southeast quarter (1/4) of Section Four (4) and also being the South line of the Southwest quarter (1/4) of Section Four (4), said South line of said Southeast quarter (1/4) of Section Four (4) also being the centerline of Hill Avenue, said point of intersection being marked with a found iron rod in a monument box;
3. thence in a westerly direction along the South line of said Southwest quarter (1/4) of Section Four (4) also being the centerline of Hill Avenue, having a bearing of North eighty-nine (89) degrees, twenty-three (23) minutes, ten (10) seconds West, a distance of two hundred seventy- one and fifty-five hundredths (271.55’) feet to a point, said point also being the Point of Beginning;
4. thence continuing North eighty- nine 89) degrees, twenty-three (23) minutes, ten (1 0) seconds West along the South line of said Southwest quarter (1/4) of Section Four (4) also being the centerline of Hill Avenue, a distance of one thousand seventy and eighty-eight hundredths (1,070.68’) feet to the intersection of the West line of the East half (1/2) of the Southwest quarter (1/4) of Section four (4), said point of intersection being marked with a found bolt;
5. thence North zero (00) degrees, forty-three (43) minutes, thirty-two (32) seconds East along the West line of the East half (1/2) of the Southwest quarter (1/4) of Section four (4), passing through a set capped iron rebar of a distance of thirty-five and zero hundredths (35.00’) feet, and also passing through a set capped iron rebar of a distance of two thousand six hundred fifty and seventy-one hundredths (2,650.71’) feet, a total distance of two thousand seven hundred and seventy-one hundredths (2,700.71’) feet to the intersection of the North line of the Southwest quarter (1/4) of Section Four (4), also being the centerline of Nebraska Avenue, said point of intersection being marked with a found bolt;
6. thence South eighty- nine (89) degrees, twenty-two (22) minutes, thirty-two (32) seconds East along the North line of the Southwest quarter (1/4) of Section Four (4), also being the centerline of Nebraska Avenue, a distance of one hundred forty-one and fifteen hundredths (141.15’) feet to a point;
7. thence South zero (00) degrees, thirty-seven (37) minutes, twenty-two (22) seconds West along a line, passing through a set capped iron rebar at a distance of fifty and zero hundredths (50.00’) feet, a total distance of five hundred forty-six and eight hundredths (546.08') feet to a point, said point being marked with a set copped iron rebar;
8. thence South eighty- nine (89) degrees, twenty-two (22) minutes, thirty-eight (38) seconds East along a line, a distance of eight hundred two and sixty-five hundredths (802.65’) feet to a point, said point being marked with a set capped iron rebar;
9. thence North zero (00) degrees, thirty-seven 37) minutes, twenty-two (22) seconds East along a line, a distance of three hundred thirty-six and five hundredths (336.05’) feet to a point, said point being marked with a set capped iron rebar;
10. thence South eighty- nine (89) degrees, twenty-two (22) minutes, thirty-eight (38) seconds East along a line, a distance of four hundred twenty- nine and sixty-one hundredth (429.6 1’) feet to a point, said point being marked with a set capped iron rebar;
11. thence North zero (00) degrees, forty-five (45) minutes, forty-one (41) second East along a line, passing through a set capped iron rebar of a distance of one hundred sixty and zero hundredths (160.00’) feet, a total distance of two hundred ten and zero hundredths (210.00’) feet to the intersection of the North line of the Southeast quarter (1/4) of Section Four (4), also being the centerline of Nebraska Avenue;
12. thence South eighty- nine (89) degrees, twenty-two (22) minutes, thirty-eight (38) seconds East along the Southeast quarter (1/4) of Section Four (4), also being the centerline of Nebraska Avenue, a distance of six hundred sixty-seven and twenty-seven hundredths (667.27’) feet to the intersection of the Southwest Right of Way line of the Pennsylvania Lines LLC, as recorded in Micro Fiche 00 0301 BO9 Lucas County Deed Records;
13. thence South forty-nine (49) degrees, four (04) minutes, four (04) seconds East along Southwest Right of Way line of the Pennsylvania Lines LLC, as recorded in Micro Fiche 00 0301B09 Lucas County Deed Records, passing through a set capped iron rebar at a distance of seventy-seven and twenty- nine hundredths (77.29’) feet, a distance of eight hundred forty-two and eighty-eight hundredths (842.88’) feet to the intersection of the East line of the West half (1/2) of the Southeast quarter (1/4) of Section four (4), said point of intersection being marked with a set capped iron rebar;
14. thence South zero (00) degrees, forty-four 44) minutes, twenty (20) seconds West along the East line of the West half (1/2) of the Southeast quarter (1/4) of Section four (4), a distance of one thousand five hundred eleven and fifty-four hundredths (1,511.54’) feat to the intersection of the North line of a parcel land ae described in Official Record 20170215-0006458, Lucas County Deed Records, said point of intersection being marked with a set capped iron rebar;
15. thence North eighty-nine (89) degrees, six (06) minutes, thirty (30) seconds West along the North line of a parcel of as described in Official Record 20170215-0006458, Lucas County Deed Records, a distance of one hundred twenty-three and ninety- nine hundredths (123.99’) feet to the intersection of the West line of a parcel of fond as described in Official Record 20170215-0006458, Lucas County Deed Records, said point of intersection being marked with a set capped iron rebar;
16. thence South zero (00) degrees, fifty-four (54) minutes, six (06) seconds Waet along the West line of a parcel land as described in Official Record 20170215-0006458, Lucas County Deed Records, a distance of two hundred eighty-one and sixty- nine hundredths (281.69’) feet to the intersection of the South line of a parcel land as described in Official Record 20170215-0006458, Lucas County Deed Records, also being the North Right of Way line of Hill Avenue, said point of intersection being marked with a set capped iron rebar;
17. thence South eighty- nine (89) degrees, nineteen (19) minutes, forty-six (46) seconds East along the South line of a parcel land as described in Official Record 20170215-0006458, Lucas County Deed Records, also being the North Right of Way line of Hill Avenue, o distance of one hundred twenty-four and seventy-nine hundredths (124.79’) feet to the East line of the West half (1/2) of the Southeast quarter (1/4) of Section four (4), said point of intersection being marked with a set capped iron rebar;
18. thence South zero (00) degrees, forty-four (44] minutes, twenty (20) seconds West along the East line of the West half (1/2) of the Southeast quarter (1/4) of Section four (4), a distance of fifty-five and zero hundredths (55.00') feet to the intersection of the South line of Ordinance No 8779, for the Dedication for Boulevard Purposes;
19. thence South eighty- nine (89) degrees, nineteen (19) minutes, forty-six (46) seconds East along the South line of Ordinance No 8779, for the Dedication for Boulevard Purposes, a distance of two hundred forty-four and ninety-two hundredths (244.92) feet to the centerline of N. Fearing Boulevard;
20. thence South eight (08) degrees, three (03) minutes, fifty-three (53) seconds West along the centerline of N. Fearing Boulevard, a distance of one hundred sixty-five and thirty-four hundredths (165.34') feet to the Northeasterly extension of the South line of a parcel of land as described in Official Record 201 60222-0006848 Lucas County Deed Records;
21. thence South sixty-six (66) degrees, ten 10) minutes, fifty-one (51) seconds West along the Northeasterly extension of the South line af a parcel of land as described in Official Record 20160222-0006848 Lucas County Deed Records, a distance of forty-seven and fifty-six hundredths (47.56’) feet to intersection of the East line of the South line of a parcel of land as described in Official Record 20160222-0006848 Lucas County Deed Records, said point of intersection being marked with a found iron rod;
22. thence North four (04) degrees, thirty-two (32) minutes, thirty-five (35) seconds West along the East of the South line of a parcel of land as described in Official Record 20160222-0006848 Lucas County Deed Records, a distance of one hundred twenty-eight and eighteen hundredths (128.18’) feet to the intersection of the North line of the parcel of land as described in Official Record 20 60222-0006848 Lucas County Deed Records, said point of intersection being marked with a found iron rod;
23. thence North eighty-five (85) degrees, fifty-five (55) minutes, fifty (50) seconds West along the North line of a parcel of land as described in Official Record 20160222-0006848 Lucas County Deed
Records, a distance of one hundred sixty- nine and seven hundredths (169.07’) feet to the East line of the ¥fest half (1/2) of the Southeast quarter (1/4) of Section four (4), said point of intersection being marked with a found iron rod;
24. thence South zero (00) degrees, forty-four (44) minutes, twenty (20) seconds West along the East line of the West half (1/2) of the Southeast quarter (1/4) of Section four (4), a distance of two hundred sixty-two and fifty-six hundredths (262.56’) feet to the intersection of the South line of the Southeast quarter (1/4) of Section four (4), said point of intersection being marked with a found iron rod;
25. thence North eighty-nine (89) degrees, nineteen (19) minutes, forty-six (46) seconds West along the South line of the Southeast quarter (1/4) of Section four (4), a distance of seven hundred ninety-seven and thirty hundredths (797.30') feet to the intersection of the centerline of Hill Avenue;
26. thence along a non-tangent arc of curve to the left, an arc length of four hundred seven and forty-six hundredths (407.46’) feet to a point, said arc of curve having a radius of five hundred seventy-two and ninety- six hundredths (572.96') feet, a central angle of forty (40) degrees, forty-four (44) minutes, forty- seven (47) seconds, a chord bearing of North seventy (70) degrees, seventeen (17) minutes, fifty (50) seconds East, and a chord length of three hundred ninety-eight and ninety-three hundredth (398.93’) feet;
27. thence North forty (40) degrees, four (04) minutes, thirty-three (33) seconds West along a line, a distance of sixty and zero hundredths (60.00’) feet to the intersection of the North Right of Way line of Hill Avenue, said point of intersection being marked with a set capped iron rebar.
28. thence North eighty-nine (89) degrees, nineteen (19) minutes, forty-six (46) seconds West along a line, a distance of three hundred twenty- nine and nineteen hundredths (329.19’) feet to a point, said point being marked with a set capped iron rebar;
29. thence North zero (00) degree, forty (40) minute, fourteen (14) seconds East along a line, a distance of fifteen and forty-four hundredths (15.44’) feet to o point, said point being marked with a set capped iron rebar;
30. thence North forty-five (45) degrees, forty-six (46) minutes, seventeen (17) seconds East along a line, a distance of one hundred fifty-three and ninety-three hundredths (153.93’) feet to a point, said point being marked with a set capped iron rebar;
31. thence North zero (00) degrees, forty (40) minutes, fourteen (14) seconds East along a line, a distance of thirty-three and seventy-six hundredths (33.76’) feet to a point, said paint being marked with a set capped iron rebar;
32. thence North sixty- six (66) degrees, ten (10) minutes, thiny-six (36) seconds West along a line, a distance of one hundred forty-six and ninety-nine hundredths (146.99’) feet to a point, said point being marked with a set capped iron rebar;
33. thence North zero (00) degrees, fifty-one (51) minute, fifty-five (55) seconds East along a line, a distance of two hundred forty-eight and fifty- seven hundredths (248.57) feet to a point, said point being marked with a set capped iron rebar;
34. thence North eleven (11) degrees, fifteen (15) minutes, twenty-seven (27) seconds West along a line, a distance of seventy-eight and fifty-eight hundredths (78.58’) feet to a point, said point being marked with a set capped iron rebar;
35. thence North twenty-three (23) degrees, fifty (50) minutes, twenty (20) seconds West along a line, a distance of seventy and fifty-one hundredth (70.51’) feet to a point, said point being marked with a set capped iron rebar;
36. thence North thirty- nine (39) degree, twenty-five (25) minutes, twenty-five (25) seconds West along a line, a distance of ninety-five and ninety-one hundredth (95.91 ') feet to a point, said point being marked with a set capped iron rebar;
37. thence North fifty-five (55) degrees, fifty (50) minutes, three (03) seconds West along a line, a distance of ninety- one and ninety- seven hundredths (91.97’) feet to a point, said point being marked with a set capped iron rebar;
38. thence North seventy-seven (77) degrees, eleven (11) minutes, twenty-four (24) seconds West along a line, a distance af eighty- nine and eighty-nine hundredths (89.89’) feet to a point, said point being marked with a set capped iron rebar;
39. thence South eighty- nine (89) degrees, fifty-four (54) minutes, twenty-six (26) seconds West along a line, a distance of one hundred thirty-five and fifty-two hundredths (135.52’) feet to a point of curve, said point of curve being marked with a set capped iron rebar;
40. thence along a arc of curve to the left, an arc length of three hundred seventy-one and twenty-eight hundredths (371.28') feet to the point of tangency, said orc of curve having a radius of three hundred thirty-five and forty-seven (335.47') feet, a central angle of sixty-three (63) degrees, twenty-four (24) minutes, forty-four (44) seconds, a chord bearing of South fifty-eight (58) degrees, twelve (12) minutes, four (04) seconds West, and a chord length of three hundred fifty-two and sixty -two hundredths (352.62') feet, said point of tangency being marked with a set capped iron rebar;
41. thence South twenty-six (26) degrees, twenty-nine (29) minutes, forty-two (42) seconds West along a line, a distance of two hundred ten and fifty-five hundredths (210.55’) feet to a point, said point being marked with a set capped iron rebar;
42. thence South zero (00) degrees, forty- one (41) minute, thirty-seven (37) seconds West along a line, a distance of five hundred fifty-two and twenty-six hundredths (552.26) feet to the Point of Beginning;
43. Said parcel of land containing an area of 5,778,410 square feet, 132.654 acres of land, more or less. Subject to legal highways.
The above-described parcel of land is subject to any and all leases, easements, and restrictions of record.
Said parcel of land having a present right-of-way occupied area of 612,903 square feet or 14.070 acres of land, more or less.
The above-described parcel of land consists of:
5 778 410 square feet or 132 654 acres of land within Tax Porcel No. 18-04802
And also, a parcel of land East of the Railroad
1. A parcel of land being part of the Southeast quarter (1/4) of Section Four (4) in Town Three (3), in the United States Reserve of the Twelve Mile Square at the Foot of the Rapids of the Miami of Lake Erie, in the City of Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio, said parcel of land being bounded and described as follows:
2. Commencing at the intersection of the West line of the Southeast quarter (1/4) of Section Four (4) with the North line of the Southeast quarter (1 /4) of Section Four (4), said North line of said Southeast quarter (1/4) of Section Four (4) also being the centerline of Nebraska Avenue, said point of intersection being marked with a found bolt;
3. Thence in a easterly direction along the North line of said Southeast quarter (1/4) of Section Four (4) also being the centerline of Nebraska Avenue, having o bearing of South eighty-nine (89) degrees, twenty-two (22) minutes, thirty-eight (38) seconds East along a line, a distance of eight hundred fifty-one and seventeen hundredths (851.17’) feet to the intersection of the Northeast Right of Way line of the Pennsylvania Lines LLC, as recorded in Micro Fiche 00 0301B09 Lucas County Deed Records;
4. thence continuing South eighty-nine (89) degrees, twenty-two (22) minutes, thirty-eight (38) seconds East along the North line of said Southeast quarter (1/4) of Section Faur (4) also being the centerline of Nebraska Avenue, a distance of four hundred eighty-nine and twenty-seven hundredths (489.27’) feet to the intersection of the East line of the West half (1/2) of the Southeast quarter (1/4) of Section four (4), said point of intersection being marked with a found iron rod in a monument box;
5. thence South zero (OO) degrees, forty-four (44) minutes, twenty (20) seconds West along the East line of the West half (1/2) of the Southeast quarter (1/4) of Section four (4), passing through a set capped iron rebar at a distance fifty and zero hundredths (50.00’) feet, a total distance of four hundred fourteen and thirty-six hundredths (41 4.36’) feet to the intersection of the Northeast Right of Woy line of the Pennsylvania Lines LLC, as recorded in Micro Fiche 00 0301 B09 Lucas County Deed Records, said point of intersection being marked with a set capped iron rebar;
6. thence North forty- nine (49) degrees, four (04) minutes, four (04) seconds West along the Northeast Right of Way line of the Pennsylvania Lines LLC, as recorded in Micro Fiche 00 0301B09 Lucas County Deed Records, passing through a set capped iron rebar to a distance of five hundred sixty-three and twenty-two hundredths (563.22’) feet, a total distance of (640.51 ') feet to the Point of Beginning
7. Said parcel of land containing on area of 101,367 square feet, 2.327 acres of land, more or less. Subject to legal highways.
The above-described parcel of land is subject to any and oil leoaes, easements, and restrictions of record.
Said parcel of land having a present right- of-way occupied area of 22,952 square feet or 0.527acres of land, more or less.
The above-described parcel of land consists of: 101,367 square feet or 2.327 acres of land within
Tax Parcel No. 18-04802
Said parcel of land containing a total area of 5,879,777 square feet, 134.981 acres of land, more or less and being all of area within Tox Parcel No. 18-04802
The bearings used hereon are based on an assumed meridian and ore for the express purpose of calculating angular measurement.
Said set capped iron rebar being a 5/8" diameter and 30” long iron rebar with plastic cap stamped “Feller Finch”.
SECTION 2. That the approval of the Institutional Campus Master Plan for a site located at 2225 Nebraska Avenue, in the City of Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio, shall be subject to compliance with the 40 conditions as follows:
The following forty (40) conditions are listed by agency of origin. Applicants are encouraged to contact each of the agencies to address compliance with their conditions.
Division of Engineering and Construction Management
1. All proposed sidewalk, drive approaches, curb, and pedestrian curb ramps within the public right-of-way shall be constructed in accordance with the City of Toledo Construction Standards, Specifications, Toledo Municipal Code, and Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines.
2. All commercial drive approaches, (along with the sidewalk through the drive) shall be constructed with 8” thick concrete per City of Toledo Construction Standards and Specifications. No curb shall be permitted in the right-of-way along either side of a drive approach. No horizontal curb cutting will be permitted to create a curb drop/opening. Existing drive approaches, including the curb drop, that will no longer be utilized shall be removed and restored with curb to match the adjacent curb.
3. Required permits for all approved work in the public right-of-way shall be obtained, before work begins, from 419-245-1347. The application can be obtained online at search: Right of Way opening permit.
4. Additional development or redevelopment of the institutional campus would necessitate review and approval of stormwater management planning according to the Rules and Regulations of the Department of Public Utilities.
5. Additional development of area in the southwest of the site where surface water is present in the form of creeks/ditches would be subject to review and approval by state and federal agencies with surface water jurisdiction, in addition to the City of Toledo.
6. A TPS stormwater management plan shall be updated to include operations and maintenance of this site. As the site is further developed, additional stormwater controls shall be added, and specific O&M instructions for stormwater controls shall be incorporated.
7. Sanitary sewer service for this development is available and subject to the Rules and Regulations of the Department of Public Utilities.
Sewer & Drainage Services
8. S&DS requires that all existing private sewer lines that are not being removed or properly abandoned (both storm & sanitary) be cleaned and inspected.
9. S&DS requires that the existing private sanitary lines (after they have been cleaned) that are not being removed or properly abandoned be televised from the building (or private cleanout) to where they connect with the public sewer system if this has not been done in the past (2) two years. An electronic copy (DVD/memory stick) shall be provided to S&DS demonstrating the lines cleaning and integrity.
Environmental Services
10. Applicant shall maintain compliance with the City of Toledo’s Storm Water regulations as specified in the Toledo Municipal Code. Special attention must be paid to all potential storm water impacts from the modification of the site, including but not limited to long-term operation and maintenance of existing structural and non-structural Best Management Practices.
11. Applicant shall maintain compliance with Ohio EPA’s General Storm Water NPDES permit programs.
12. Applicant is strongly encouraged to include multiple green infra-structure measures to minimize runoff and increase infiltration, and to minimize the amount of new and/or additional impervious surface on the site.
13. Applicant is strongly encouraged to plant native, low maintenance and non-invasive trees, shrubs and perennials. Information is at discover-and-learn/plants-trees/invasive-plants <>; a list of invasive plants and alternative species can be downloaded from alternatives_to_ohio_invasive_plant_species.pdf <>.
14. Applicant shall maintain compliance with the City of Toledo and the State of Ohio’s Air Quality Regulations applicable in the Toledo Municipal Code and the Ohio Administrative Code including, but not limited to the Asbestos and the Anti-Noise Laws.
Fire Prevention Bureau
15. New and existing buildings shall be provided with approved address identification that meets Building & Fire Code requirements. Each building to be identified. (OBC 501.2 & OFC 505.1)
16. Any remodeling of these buildings requires compliance with all applicable Building, Fire, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing code requirements. (OBC105.1 & 101.4)
17. A Knox Box key box is required for after hours access for life saving and fire fighting purposes. (OFC 506.1)
18. A radio signal strength test will be needed in the building, and possible radio signal enhancements based on the results of the test. (OFC 510.2 & 1103.2 - for existing buildings)
19. A fire safety inspection is required prior to occupancy. (OFC105.3.3.2)
Division of Traffic Management
20. Bicycle parking is required per TMC§1107.0900.
21. Sidewalk connections between all buildings are required to be shown.
22. Consideration should be given to adding sidewalk along W. Scott Park Drive from Nebraska Avenue.
23. All parking space locations, drive aisles and driveways must be clearly dimensioned and shown to comply with TMC§1107.1911.
24. All signage must not obstruct visibility between 42” and 84” above grade that is maintained within 18’ of curb or pavement edge of any street per TMC§1107.2000.
25. Property lines to be brought into alignment with the right-of-way on Nebraska Avenue and on Hill Avenue.
Plan Commission
26. Per TMC§1111.1304, the Institutional Campus Master Plan must include the average daily traffic and peak hour traffic numbers. This shall be provided to the Toledo Plan Commission staff prior to development of “potential future housing development” illustrated in the Future Phase on Exhibit B: Future Needs for Campus in the submitted Institutional Campus Master Plan. This information shall be kept on file for future development reference.
27. Additional transportation and parking management information shall be submitted to assess the appropriateness of the proposed parking. Bicycle parking shall also be provided on the site with a minimum number of fifty (50) spaces per TMC§1107.0901.
28. A “future sidewalk” shall be shown along West Scott Park Drive to connect the existing buildings to Nebraska Avenue on Exhibit B: Future Needs for Campus in the submitted Institutional Campus Master Plan. The sidewalk shall be installed in conjunction with development in the noted Future Phase.
29. A second pedestrian pathway through the east parking lot with access to Parkside Boulevard shall be provided for the north half of the parking lot.
30. In addition to complimenting the existing building architecture, any future modifications to the existing or proposed buildings shall adhere to the Building Façade Materials and Color standards of TMC§1109.0500.
31. A landscape buffer shall be installed along West Scott Park Drive on the northwest part of the site adjacent to existing single-family homes.
32. A solid evergreen hedge shall be installed along the east parking lot fronting on Parkside Avenue to shield the abutting roadway and residences from vehicle headlights.
33. Per Maintenance standards in TMC§1108.0405, all landscape material must be properly maintained and replaced. The landowner, or successors in interest, or agent, if any, or lessee must be jointly responsible for the regular maintenance of all landscape materials as well as replacement of any plant material removed. No approved plant material shall be removed for any reason without being replaced with like kind, or without submitting a revised landscape plan to the Planning Director for review and approval.
34. Any future development projects will require a Site Plan Review to determine compliance with the City of Toledo Municipal Code minimum standards.
35. Each Site Plan Review will require a detailed site, lighting, fencing, and landscaping plan to be submitted to the Plan director for review and approval. Note that the submittal must include shall include:
a. The location, number, height, diameter and species of any materials to be planted and maintained, as well as the location and number of any existing trees to be retained trees, shrubs and landscape materials shall meet the standards included in TMC§1108.0400 Landscape Materials Standards.
b. The location, type, and direction of any proposed lighting. The lighting is subject to the approval of the Director of the City of Toledo Plan Commission (lights are to be directed away from adjacent residential properties.
c. The location, height, and materials of any fencing to be installed and maintained.
36. All nonconforming signage related to the University of Toledo or any other former occupant/use, shall be removed from the site.
37. All conforming signage related to the University of Toledo or any other former occupant/use, that is not being repurposed for the new occupant/use, shall be removed from the site.
38. All proposed signage for the site shall be meet the requirements of TMC§1113.000. A sign permit application shall be submitted and approved for all signage.
39. Minor adjustments to the Master Plan that do not violate the above conditions, or the Toledo Municipal Code, may be reviewed and approved by the Director of the Toledo City Plan Commission.
40. No permits shall be issued until arrangements satisfactory to the Director of the City of Toledo Plan Commission have been made for compliance with the conditions as set forth above.
SECTION 3. The Secretary of the Toledo City Plan Commission is hereby authorized and directed to make the said change on the original zoning maps.
SECTION 4. That this Ordinance hereby is declared to be an emergency measure and shall be in force and effect from and after its passage. The reason for the emergency lies in the fact that same is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety and property, and for the further reason that the Ordinance must be immediately effective in order to provide for the orderly regulation and use of the property and to protect the land value in the area.
Vote on emergency clause: yeas 9, nays 0.
Passed: November 20, 2024, as an emergency measure: yeas 9, nays 0.
Julie A. Gibbons Carrie Hartman
Clerk of Council President of Council
Approved: November 20, 2024
Wade Kapszukiewicz