Zoning & Planning Committee
Text Amendment Marina District Overlay
Amending Toledo Municipal Code, Part Eleven, Planning and Zoning, Eliminating Chapter 1103.0800 Marina District Overlay and Toledo Municipal Code 1387.06 Signage for Marina District; and declaring an emergency.
The Plan Commission is requesting a study of the Marina District Overlay and possible text amendment to eliminate this Overlay District and associated Signage for Marina District. The Marina District Overlay District was established to help achieve the goals of the Marina District Urban Renewal Plan and adopted by Ordinance 273-07 in 2007. The Marina District Overlay district is the area bounded by the centerline of Main Street to the South, the center line of First Street, the centerline of Oswald Street, the rear lot lines of Lots 19 through 24 of the New Plat of Yondota Division, the entire boundary of Optimist Park and the first alley to the east of Front Street to the East, the centerline of the Craig Street Bridge to the North, and the Maumee River edge to the West. The Ordinance also established the signage regulations for the Marina District under TMC§1387.06.
The Marina District Overlay District is intended to provide design and development standards promoting architectural quality, pedestrian activity and a mix of residential, commercial and community activities. The Marina District Urban Renewal Plan and the associated Master Plan intended the area to attract investment for the development of residential, commercial, mixed-use development and entertainment facilities over a period of ten (10) to twenty (20) years. However, the area is yet to see this type of development and has vastly remained an open space to this day. The majority of the district makes up the Glass City Metropark, with a few multifamily housing and commercial buildings.
In addition to that, with Metroparks covering a majority of the area, there is less land area for new development. The Marina District was created to promote medium and high-density housing opportunities that will create a waterfront neighborhood. The plan at the time showed mixed-use/commercial retail, rowhouses and multifamily in the area currently occupied by the Glass City Metropark. The area is fully developed and is unable to provide support for the original vision of the Marina District Urban Renewal Plan and Maumee Riverfront Overlay District. Additionally, a portion of the overlay will be added to Main Starr Urban Overlay District. Hence, the request to eliminate the Marina District Overlay District. Future developments or renovations shall be subject to the site plan review process under TMC§1111.0800. Consequently, the associated sign regulation under TMC§1387.06 should be eliminated along with the Marina District for uniformity. All future signs will require building permits and be reviewed per the zoning regulations of the subject property.
Conclusion and Recommendation
The Toledo City Plan Commission recommend approval of M-7-23, a text amendment eliminating TMC§1103.0800, Marina District Overlay district and TMC§1387.06 Signage for Marina District to Toledo City Council for the following reason:
1. The proposed text amendment is in alignment with the stated purpose of the Zoning Code and ensures safety of Toledo residents.
On March 14, 2024 the Toledo City Plan Commission considered and recommended approval of the requested text amendment.
On April 16, 2024, Toledo City Council, Planning and Zoning Committee reviewed, and recommended approval of the requested text amendment.
NOW THEREFORE Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Toledo:
SECTION 1 That Toledo Municipal Code, Part Eleven, Subsection 1103.0800 and Toledo Municipal Code, Part Thirteen, Subsection 1387.06, which read as follows:
1103.0800 - MD, Marina District Overlay District.
1103.0801 Purpose.
The adopted Marina District Overlay Zone Declaration of Restrictions, Easements, Design and Development Standards and Comprehensive Sign Plan shall apply to all development within the Marina District, and those standards for development shall take precedence where they are more restrictive or advance the purposes defined within.
The attached Declaration of Restrictions, Easements, Design and Development Standards and Comprehensive Sign Plan is approved and incorporated herein by reference as part of the City of Toledo Planning and Zoning Code. A copy of this document is available upon request at the Toledo City Plan Commission office.
(Ord. 550-08. Passed 8-26-08.)
1103.0802 Effect of Designation.
The adopted Marina District Overlay Zone Declaration of Restrictions, Easements, Design and Development Standards and Comprehensive Sign Plan shall apply to all development within the Marina District, and those standards for development shall take precedence where they are more restrictive or advance the purposes defined within. The attached Declaration of Restriction, Easements, Design and Development Standards and Comprehensive Sign Plan is approved and incorporated herein by reference as part of the City of Toledo Planning and Zoning Code. A copy of this document is available upon request at the Toledo City Plan Commission office.
(Ord. 654-08. Passed 10-21-08.)
1103.0803 Boundaries.
Marina District Overlay Zone is the area bounded by the centerline of Main Street to the South, the centerline of Front Street to the centerline of Platt Street, southeast along the centerline of Platt Street to the centerline of First Street, northeast along the centerline of First Street to the centerline of Oswald Street, the rear lot lines of Lots 19 through 24 of the New Plat of Yondota Division, the entire boundary of Optimist Park and the first alley to the east of Front Street to the East, the centerline of Dearborn Avenue, the centerline of Front Street and the centerline of the Craig Street Bridge to the North, and the Maumee River edge to the West.
(Ord. 568-13. Passed 12-10-13.)
1103.0804 -MD Classification.
Those areas classified in the -MD District shall be shown on the Official Zoning Map.
(Ord. 273-07. Passed 5-1-07.)
1387.06. Signage for Marina District.
(a) Purpose. The Marina District is a master planned, mixed use community that evokes a sense of style, charm and old world quality with signature development attention inherent in every detail of the architecture and landscaping. Sign and graphics have a strong visual impact on the character and quality of the community and their suitability or appropriateness helps to set the tone of this development. It is the intent of the Comprehensive Sign Plan to protect and enhance the Marina District's character through the provision of appropriate and aesthetic signage.
The purpose of the Comprehensive Sign Plan is to encourage signs which are integrated with and harmonious to the buildings and sites which they occupy, to eliminate excessive and confusing sign displays, to preserve and improve the appearance of the Marina District as a place in which to live, to work, to play and to announce a unique destination.
Further, this Comprehensive Sign Plan encourages creative and innovative approaches to quality signing; signs that are compatible, complimentary and/or appropriately contrasting with the architectural building style, characteristics and scale of the site and adjacent sites to which they are associated. The Comprehensive Sign Plan ensures that commercial signs are designed for the purpose of identifying a business, directing traffic, and informing patrons in an attractive and functional manner.
(b) Scope. The Marina District Comprehensive Sign Plan supercedes the Toledo Municipal Code Sections 1387.01 through 1387.05. The Comprehensive Sign Plan is incorporated herein by reference. A copy of this document is available upon request at the Toledo City Plan Commission office.
(Ord. 273-07. Passed 5-1-07.)
be amended by eliminating TMC§1103.0800, Marina District Overlay district and TMC§1387.06 Signage for Marina District.
SECTION 2. That this Ordinance hereby is declared to be an emergency measure and shall be in force and effect from and after its passage. The reason for the emergency lies in the fact that same is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety and property, and that this Ordinance must be immediately effective in order to provide for the orderly development of the area and to protect the land values in the area.
Vote on emergency clause: yeas 12, nays 0.
Passed: April 24, 2024, as an emergency measure: yeas 12, nays 0.
Julie A. Gibbons Carrie Hartman
Clerk of Council President of Council
Approved: April 24, 2024
Wade Kapszukiewicz