Sewers & Drainage Services
Calvin Harris (x2170)
Authorizing the disappropriation of $2,000,000 from the Sewer Replacement Fund and the reappropriation of $2,000,000 into the Sewer Replacement Fund for cleaning and televising of various sewer lines and submittal of television records; and declaring an emergency.
This ordinance authorizes the disappropriation of $2,000,000 from the Sewer Replacement Fund 6073-37000-540200-4UC0323STDSTD and the reappropriation of $2,000,000 into the Sewer Replacement Fund 6073-37000-537410-4UC0323STDSTD. ORD 333-23 passed earlier this year authorizing the expenditure of the funds.
NOW, THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Toledo:
SECTION 1. That the disappropriation of $2,000,000 is authorized from the Sewer Replacement Fund Account Code 6073-37000-540200-4UC0323STDSTD (Machinery and Equipment).
SECTION 2. That the appropriation of $2,000,000 is authorized from the Sewer Replacement Fund to Account Code 6073-37000-537410-4UC0323STDSTD (Contractual Services) for the contracting and expenditure(s) as authorized by Ord. 333-23, for cleaning and televising of various sewer lines and submittal of television records.
SECTION 3. That this Ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage; the reason for the emergency lies in the fact that this Ordinance is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, and property, and for the further reason that this Ordinance must be immediately effective in order to permit the earliest possible cleaning and televising of sewers.
Vote on emergency clause: yeas 12, nays 0.
Passed: September 26, 2023, as an emergency measure: yeas 12, nays 0.
Gerald E. Dendinger Matt Cherry
Clerk of Council President of Council
Approved: September 26, 2023
Wade Kapszukiewicz