Bid Guaranty for COT Mowing Project
Division of Parks Recreation & Forestry, Division of Code Enforcement
Karen Ranney Wolkins (x2326), Dennis Kennedy (x1234)
Authorizing the waiving of the bid guaranty requirements of Toledo Municipal Code Section 187.09; setting a fixed bid guaranty of $250 for all bids submitted for 2020 mowing operations; making findings with respect thereto; and declaring an emergency.
The City of Toledo Division of Parks, Recreation and Forestry and the Division of Code Enforcement are collaborating for a comprehensive competitive bidding process in requesting submissions for mowing at various City of Toledo locations in 2020. The bid for mowing, in accordance with Toledo Municipal Code Section 187.09, currently requests a bid guaranty of 5% of the submitted bid total. It is the opinion of both the Parks Division and Code Enforcement Division that maintaining this bid guaranty requirement would create an impediment for many small vendors, thereby greatly reducing the number of mowing bids submitted.
This ordinance is requesting authorization to waive the bid guaranty requirement of TMC Section 187.09 and setting a fixed bid guaranty of $250 for the mowing bid. While the fixed guaranty amount is expected to result in a larger and more diverse number of submissions, the large volume of bid submissions also vastly reduces any chance of additional risk to the City in the event a vendor is unable to enter into a contract with the City for mowing services.
The fiscal impact of this ordinance is as follows:
- The total amount of funds requested: $0
- The expenditure budget line item: N/A
- New revenue generated (operational revenue, grants, if any): none
- Revenue budget line item (if any): none
- Are funds budgeted in the current fiscal year (yes/no)?: N/A
- Is this a capital project (yes/no)? no
- If yes, is it new or existing (new/existing)? N/A
- What section of the City’s Strategic Plan does this support:
o Excellence in Basic Services (yes/no) yes
o Quality Community Investment (Livable City, Development) (yes/no) yes
o Workplace Culture & Customer Service (yes/no) yes
o Environment (yes/no) no
NOW, THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Toledo:
SECTION 1. That this Council finds it in the best interest of the City to waive the bid guaranty requirements of Toledo Municipal Code Section 187.09 and establishing a fixed bid guaranty amount of $250 for all bids received for 2020 mowing operations for the reason that a lower bid guaranty will create a larger number of bids submitted for review and create a deeper, talented, and more diverse pool of potential vendors to use during the 2020 mowing season.
SECTION 2. That this Ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. The reason for the emergency lies in the fact that this ordinance is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety and property, and for the further reason that this ordinance must be immediately effective in order to timely communicate the change in bid guaranty to any potential bidders and make any necessary addenda to the bid information.
Vote on emergency clause: yeas 12, nays 0.
Passed: December 10, 2019, as an emergency measure: yeas 12, nays 0.
Gerald E. Dendinger Matt Cherry
Clerk of Council President of Council
Approved: December 11, 2019
Wade Kapszukiewicz