One Government Center  
Toledo, OH 43604  
City of Toledo  
Agenda Review  
City Council  
Wednesday, June 12, 2024  
2:00 PM  
Council Chambers  
Agenda Review for the June 18, 2024 Meeting of Toledo City Council  
Recognizing the 2024 Toledo Ohio After-School  
All-Stars First Responder-Led Mentorship Program  
Mentors and Mentees  
Recognizing Fritz Byers and WGTE's FM 91 Jazz  
Spectrum for 35 years of celebrating jazz  
Repealing Chapter 105 of the Toledo Municipal Code in its  
entirety, and enacting a new Chapter 105 of the Toledo  
Municipal Code, dividing the corporation territory of the City of  
Toledo into Wards; and declaring an emergency.  
WHEREAS, Section 27 of the Charter of the City of Toledo directs  
City Council to redivide the City into wards after each recurring federal  
census on the basis of not less than 10,000 or more than 20,000  
residents in each Ward; and  
WHEREAS, as a result of the most recent federal census it is  
necessary to eliminate and combine the Wards to balance the number  
of residents in each Ward as required by the Charter; and  
WHEREAS, there will be Sixteen Wards divided within the City of  
Toledo, abridged from Twenty-Four.  
Attachments: Proposed Wards  
Authorizing the expenditure of $230,563 from the Capital  
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Improvement Fund District Improvement Program for Capital  
Improvements at Schneider Park; authorizing the Mayor to  
execute the necessary contracts; and declaring an emergency.  
A District Improvement Program application for $230,563 has been  
submitted to provide funding for:  
Purchase and Installation of an Accessible Playground  
Blue Light Security Camera to Enhance Visitor Safety  
John Deere HPX615E utility vehicle to keep large vehicles  
off the fields  
60” Lazer Zero Turn Mower to Assist with On-going  
The master plan for Schneider Park includes the development of an  
accessible playground that would located adjacent to the accessible  
mini-pitch soccer courts. The new playground would also be in close  
proximity to the paved loop walking trail.  
A “Blue Light” security camera will be added to the parking lot area of  
Schneider Park to provide a heightened level of safety for our park  
visitors and their vehicles.  
A 60” zero turn mower is being purchased to allow for more efficient  
maintenance of the grass fields at Schneider Park. High quality turf is  
essential to marketing these fields for matches and tournaments which  
has a direct impact on their ability to positively affect our local  
A John Deere utility vehicle is be requested to assist with field  
maintenance and set-up. Use of the utility vehicle will prevent larger  
vehicles from driving on and damaging the fields.  
Authorizing the appropriation and expenditure $245,000  
from the Local Fiscal Recovery Fund for administrative  
costs related to ARPA State and Local Fiscal Recovery  
Fund (SLFRF) reporting and compliance activities;  
authorizing the Mayor to accept bids and enter into  
agreements for said purpose; and declaring an  
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The city has received $180.9 million through the American Rescue  
Plan Act (ARPA) to be used to address the public health and negative  
economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Toledo  
Recovery Plan framework outlines the city’s projects that are funded  
through ARPA and includes $245,000 for administrative costs related  
to the program.  
This Ordinance authorizes the appropriation and expenditure of funds  
to cover administrative costs during the remainder of the program.  
These include staff time dedicated to reporting and compliance  
requirements for the federal funding. Additionally, this Ordinance  
authorizes the city to accept bids and award contracts for third-party  
support for these same reporting and compliance requirements.  
Authorizing the disappropriation of $40,000 from the  
Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (Summer Youth  
Programming); authorizing the appropriation and  
expenditure of $399,565 from the Local Fiscal Recovery  
Fund for school-year youth engagement, mentoring, and  
development initiatives; authorizing the Mayor to enter  
into necessary agreements for these initiatives; and  
declaring an emergency.  
The city is the recipient of $180.9 million through the American Rescue  
Plan Act (ARPA) to be used to address the public health and negative  
economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Toledo Recovery  
Plan framework (authorized by Ordinance 530-21), which outlines the  
city's projects that will be funded through ARPA, includes $6,000,000  
for youth and recreational programming. This Ordinance authorizes the  
appropriation and expenditure of $399,565 of this amount for youth  
engagement, mentoring, and development initiatives during the  
2024/2025 school-year. Funds will be used to support youth  
programming through grants distributed to community partners and by  
the Youth Services Division.  
Authorizing the expenditure of $15,000 from the Department of  
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Parks and Youth Services for the NAACP Toledo ACT-SO  
Youth Program; authorizing the Mayor to enter into necessary  
agreements with NAACP Toledo for this program; and declaring  
an emergency.  
Each year, high school students across the country start a journey to  
sharpen their skills through the Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological  
and Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO). From visual arts and business to  
performing and culinary arts, participants work with community-based  
volunteers for a year to develop projects and performances. The  
experience culminates in local and national events where students  
compete for scholarships and other rewards. This allocation will go to  
supporting the program, and sending Toledo’s finalists to the 2024  
national competition.  
Memorializing the life of Zacharias Barden and naming  
Tennis Court 4 at Jermain Park the “Zacharias Barden  
Memorial Court.”  
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into agreement with  
Language Equity & Access Partners, LLC. (LEAP) for  
the provision of an organizational needs assessment and  
strategic planning process for Welcome Toledo Lucas  
County’s (Welcome TLC) Project; authorizing the  
expenditure of an amount not to exceed $30,000 from the  
General Fund; waiving the competitive bidding  
requirements of TMC Chapter 187; and declaring and  
The purpose of this ordinance is to enter into a contract for Phase 2 of  
Welcome TLC’s Strategic Plan Project that was budgeted for in  
HRC’s 2024 budget.  
In partnership with Lucas County and the Toledo Lucas County Public  
Library, HRC provided limited support to phase 1 of Welcome TLC’s  
project with Language Equity & Access Partners (LEAP) to do a  
series of community conversations in native languages to assess the  
needs of immigrants in the Toledo area along with a demographic  
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analysis. The next phase of the project is an organizational needs  
assessment and strategic planning process to further build a welcoming  
and inclusive community for immigrants, refugees, and people of  
diverse cultures in the Toledo and Lucas County community. HRC  
agreed to support Welcome TLC in Phase 2 which will include the  
Organizational Scan, Needs Assessment Report, and Strategic  
Planning portions of the project.  
Authorizing the Mayor to accept, deposit, appropriate  
and expend the Community Development Block Grant  
from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban  
Development (HUD) in the amount of $7,134,598;  
authorizing the expenditure of CDBG carryover funds  
from all years prior to program year 2023 (49th) in the  
amount of $2,015,000; and authorizing submission to the  
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development of  
the 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan; and declaring an  
This legislation provides funding for: the administration of the CDBG  
program; activities implemented by various City Departments; and  
activities implemented by third party non-profit partner organizations in  
the City of Toledo.  
The legislation authorizes the acceptance, deposit, appropriation and  
expenditure in the amount of $7,134,598 of the CDBG 50th Year  
grant; the expenditure of CDBG carryover funds in the amount of  
$2,015,000 from all years prior to program year 2023 (49th); and the  
submittal of the 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan to HUD on June 28,  
The financial impact of this Ordinance is the receipt of the $7,134,598  
50th Year CDBG grant from HUD; the allocation of funding to City  
Departments and third-party nonprofit partners identified in Schedule  
A; and the expenditure of CDBG carryover funds in the amount of  
$2,015,000 from all years prior to program year 2023 (49th).  
Authorizing the acceptance, deposit, appropriation, and  
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expenditure of the Emergency Solutions Grant in the  
amount of $646,429 from the U.S. Department of  
Housing and Urban Development to fund Emergency  
Solutions Grant Program activities; authorizing  
submission to the U.S. Department of Housing and  
Urban Development the 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan;  
and declaring an emergency.  
The City of Toledo (COT) receives from the U.S. Department of  
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) a designated Emergency  
Solutions Grant (ESG) amount annually, as an entitlement city and  
participating jurisdiction, for the purpose of ending homelessness in  
Toledo. The city’s receipt and acceptance of the ESG grant amount  
requires compliance with HUD regulations, directives, and guidelines,  
as well as, priorities established in the HUD approved 2020-2024  
Consolidated Plan for the City of Toledo.  
The city must submit an Annual Action Plan each year within the  
respective five-year period in order to continue to receive the annual  
ESG allocation from HUD. In the Five-Year Consolidated Plan, as  
well as, the 2024-2025 Action Plan, one of nine priorities is “ending  
homelessness”. The city will partner and collaborate with the  
HUD-designated Continuum of Care (CoC) entity for Toledo (and  
Lucas County), the Toledo Lucas County Homelessness Board  
(TLCHB), in addressing the goal of ending homelessness in the  
community The TLCHB as the HUD designated CoC entity,  
coordinates the response (e.g., rapid re-housing), the resources (e.g.,  
leveraging of several funding sources), and the responsibility (e.g.,  
community focus/representation) for ending homelessness in the  
Toledo community.  
This Ordinance is to authorize the Mayor to submit to HUD the  
2024-2025 Annual Action Plan on June 28. 2024; accept and deposit  
the 38th (2024) Program Year ESG funds received from HUD into the  
appropriate Account Code; and expend the amount received pursuant  
to the Schedule A attached.  
The financial impact of this Ordinance is the receipt and expenditure of  
the $646,429 38th (2024) program year ESG grant from HUD for  
ending homelessness in Toledo.  
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Authorizing the acceptance, deposit, appropriate and  
expenditure the HOME Investment Partnership  
Program Grant in the amount of $1,899,015 from the  
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development  
(HUD) for the purpose of funding the 2024 HOME  
Investment Partnership Program; authorizing the  
expenditure of HOME Carryover funds from all years  
prior to program year 2023 (32nd) in the amount of  
$2,646,953; and authorizing submission to the U.S.  
Department of Housing and Urban Development the  
2024-2025 Annual Action Plan; and declaring an  
The City of Toledo (COT) receives from the U.S. Department of  
Housing & Urban Development (HUD) a designated amount of  
HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) funding, annually,  
as an entitlement city and participating jurisdiction, to create and  
maintain affordable housing for low- and moderate-income  
households. The city’s receipt and acceptance of HOME funding  
requires compliance with HUD regulations, directives, and guidelines,  
as well as, priorities established in the HUD approved 2020-2024  
Five Year Consolidated Plan and the Annual Action Plan for the City  
of Toledo. HOME funds are used by the City for administration of the  
program, rental housing development, down payment and closing costs  
assistance, Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO)  
set aside, homeowner rehabilitation, and homebuyer units  
This Ordinance is to authorize the Mayor to submit to HUD the  
2024-2025 Annual Action Plan on June 28, 2024; accept and deposit  
the 2024 Program Year HOME allocation received from HUD into  
the appropriate Account Codes; and expend the 2024 Program Year  
HOME allocation $1,899,015 as well as the HOME carryover funds  
in an amount of $2,646,953 from all years prior to program year 2023  
The financial impact of this Ordinance is the receipt of a HOME 2024  
Program Year grant of $1,899,015 from HUD provide affordable  
housing to low- and moderate-income households; and authorization  
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for the expenditure of HOME carryover funds in an amount of  
$2,646,953 from all years prior to program year 2023 (32nd).  
Attachments: HOME schedule a  
Authorizing the City to enter into agreements with the  
United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development  
for loan guarantee assistance to provide funds necessary to  
pay costs of rehabilitation, renovation and improvement of  
three community centers in the City and their sites;  
authorizing the issuance and sale of special limited  
obligation revenue notes to evidence the loan to be obtained  
under that federal loan guarantee assistance program;  
authorizing the pledge and assignment of the City’s present  
and future community development block grants and other  
nontax revenues as security for the notes, appropriating the  
proceeds of the notes and authorizing expenditure of those  
funds; authorizing and approving related agreements; and  
declaring an emergency.  
To create or preserve jobs and employment opportunities and to  
improve the economic welfare of the people of the City, the City has  
submitted an application (the Application) to the United States  
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for loan  
guarantee assistance under Section 108 of the Housing and  
Community Development Act of 1974, as amended (42 U.S.C.  
§5308), in the principal amount of not to exceed $2,000,000 to  
provide funds necessary for the City’s Department of Housing and  
Community Development to finance the acquisition and improvement  
of commercial, industrial and residential facilities, including particularly  
rehabilitation, renovation and improvement of three community centers  
in the City, namely, the Believe Center, the Chester J. Zablocki  
Community Center and the East Toledo Senior Center, and their sites  
(the Project);  
The City has now received from HUD the agreements that are to be  
entered into by the City for the loan guarantee assistance program and  
this Council wishes to authorize the execution of those agreements and  
to issue special limited obligation revenue notes (the Notes) pursuant to  
the laws of the State of Ohio, including Sections 13 of Article VIII of  
the Ohio Constitution, to evidence the loan to be obtained by the City  
under that loan guarantee assistance program and to authorize the  
pledge of certain funds pursuant to the requirements of HUD, including  
the City’s present and future Community Development Block Grants  
and certain other nontax revenues as security for the repayment of the  
The Director of Finance, as fiscal officer of the City, has certified to  
this Council that the estimated life or period of usefulness of the Project  
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is at least five years and the estimated maximum maturity of the Notes  
is 20 years;  
Authorizing the City to enter into agreements with the United  
States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for loan  
guarantee assistance to provide funds necessary to pay costs of  
rehabilitation, renovation and improvement of the Swayne Field  
Shopping Center and its site; authorizing the issuance and sale of  
special limited obligation revenue notes to evidence the loan to  
be obtained under that federal loan guarantee assistance  
program; authorizing the pledge and assignment of the City’s  
present and future community development block grants as  
security for the notes, appropriating the proceeds of the notes  
and authorizing expenditure of those funds; authorizing and  
approving related agreements; and declaring an emergency.  
To create or preserve jobs and employment opportunities and to  
improve the economic welfare of the people of the City, the City has  
submitted an application (the Application) to the United States  
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for loan  
guarantee assistance under Section 108 of the Housing and  
Community Development Act of 1974, as amended (42 U.S.C.  
§5308), in the principal amount of not to exceed $616,000 to provide  
funds necessary for the City’s Department of Housing and Community  
Development to finance the acquisition and improvement of  
commercial, industrial and residential facilities, including particularly  
rehabilitation, renovation and improvement of the Swayne Field  
Shopping Center and its site (the Project);  
The City has now received from HUD the agreements that are to be  
entered into by the City for the loan guarantee assistance program and  
this Council wishes to authorize the execution of those agreements and  
to issue special limited obligation revenue notes (the Notes) pursuant to  
the laws of the State of Ohio, including Sections 13 of Article VIII of  
the Ohio Constitution, to evidence the loan to be obtained by the City  
under that loan guarantee assistance program and to authorize the  
pledge of certain funds pursuant to the requirements of HUD, including  
the City’s present and future Community Development Block Grants  
as security for the repayment of the Notes.  
Authorizing the transfer of $20,000 from the General  
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Fund to the Toledo Fireworks Expendable Trust Fund for  
the July 4th, 2024 Toledo Fireworks Display; and  
declaring an emergency.  
The purpose of this ordinance is to provide funding for the Fourth of  
July fireworks in the City of Toledo slated to take place this year on  
Thursday, July 4, 2024. This appropriation was included in the  
Marketing and Communications Department's 2024 budget, and this  
legislation authorizes transferring the budgeted $20,000 from the  
General Fund to the Toledo Fireworks expendable trust fund  
established under Ordinance 233-18. These City funds will be  
combined with private donations to provide for the fireworks display  
and its related costs.  
Authorizing the Mayor to renew a three-year  
subscription agreement with Lexis Nexis Risk Solutions,  
Inc. for the Accurint Virtual Crime Center policing  
platform; authorizing the General Fund expenditure in an  
amount not to exceed $58,986.18 for the first year of the  
renewal and $60,755.77 for the second year and  
$62,578.44 for the third year subject to future  
appropriations; waiving the competitive bidding  
requirements of TMC Chapter 187; and declaring an  
This Ordinance authorizes the Mayor to renew the agreement with  
Lexis Nexis Risk Solutions, Inc. for a subscription to the Accurint  
Virtual Crime Center. Accurint is a next generation policing platform  
used for investigations, crime analysis and resource allocation. Lexis  
Nexis Risk Solutions is the sole source supplier of this patented  
technology. This product links billions of public records to Toledo  
Police Department data. Linking across data types provides a  
comprehensive resource for investigations, crime analysis, predictive  
policing and resource allocation. This agreement will be in effect from  
October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2027.  
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Authorizing the Mayor to enter into a water distribution  
modeling application software subscription agreement  
for a term of thirty (30) months; authorizing the  
expenditure of an amount not to exceed $13,758 from the  
Water Operating Fund; and declaring an emergency.  
Autodesk InfoWater Pro is a computer modeling software used to  
model the City’s water distribution system. The model is representative  
of the City’s water distribution system infrastructure, customer  
demands, and system operations and controls. In-house uses of the  
model include analysis for right-sizing planned water mains, analysis of  
the effects of planned water main outages, and evaluating localized  
areas for fire flow capability. The model will be used to develop and  
execute a unidirectional flushing program as directed by the Ohio  
Environmental Protection Agency.  
In response to an informal bid solicitation, Imaginit Technologies was  
determined to be the lowest and best proposal. Funds for this  
expenditure are included in the division’s 2024 approved operating  
Authorizing the disappropriation of an amount not to  
exceed $98.84 from the Local Fiscal Recovery Fund;  
authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of  
$810,098.84 from the Local Fiscal Recovery Fund for the  
Central and Detroit Intersection Vision Zero  
Improvements project; authorizing the Mayor to prepare  
plans and specifications, acquire required rights-of-way  
as appropriate, accept bids and enter into contracts for  
said project; and declaring an emergency.  
The city has received $180.9 million through the American Rescue  
Plan Act (ARPA) to be used to address the public health and negative  
economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Toledo  
Recovery Plan framework outlines the city’s projects that will be  
funded through ARPA and includes $1,000,000 for the Vision Zero  
Program, of which $810,099 will be used for intersection  
improvements at Central (SR120) and Detroit (US24).  
The goal of the project is to improve traffic safety at a critical  
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intersection within the city. This intersection was identified in the  
Toledo Vision Zero plan as a high injury intersection and is located in a  
community of concern. Toledo Department of Transportation is  
currently working on design of the intersection with the project bidding  
in late 2024 and construction scheduled in 2025.  
Ordinance 241-21 authorized the appropriation of $60,000 in ARPA  
funds for the Vision Zero Program which was used for consulting fees  
to develop the Vision Zero Action Plan. This contract has been  
completed with approximately $99 remaining which will be  
dis-appropriated and re-appropriated into the Central/Douglas  
roundabout project.  
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into a professional  
services agreement in an amount not to exceed $110,000  
with Toole Design Group, LLC. for the implementation  
phase of Toledo’s Vision Zero Action Plan; waiving the  
competitive procurement requirements of TMC Chapter  
187; and declaring an emergency.  
This Ordinance authorizes the City to enter into an agreement with  
Toole Design Group, LLC. for the implementation phase of Toledo’s  
Vision Zero Action Plan. Toole Design Group was previously selected  
through a competitive process to complete the city’s Vision Zero  
Action Plan and is uniquely positioned to provide support during its  
implementation. The scope of services in the agreement will include  
support for city staff, as well as services such as design guidance, plan  
support/review and engagement strategies.  
Funding and expenditure authority for this agreement have been  
previously approved through the City’s Roadway Matches and  
Planning program (Ordinance 87-20). This Ordinance authorizes  
entering into the agreement and waiving competitive bidding.  
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into and execute cooperative  
agreements between the City of Toledo and the State of Ohio,  
Department of Transportation (ODOT) and giving consent to  
ODOT to resurface Monroe Street within the City of Toledo  
limits as part of a US 23 interchange project in the City of  
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Sylvania; and declaring an emergency.  
The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the City of  
Sylvania have a construction project that will reconstruct and  
reconfigure the State Route 51 interchange over US 23, which includes  
the resurfacing of State Route 51 (Monroe Street) between the eastern  
limits of the US23 interchange project and Nantuckett Drive. This  
Ordinance is required to allow ODOT to resurface Monroe Street  
within the City limits. This project is scheduled to begin in spring of  
2025. There is no City of Toledo financial participation in this project.  
The City of Toledo desires the State of Ohio, Director of  
Transportation, to proceed with the aforesaid highway improvements.  
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract for the  
purchase of a Tactics Central Service Software Package  
for the Division of Traffic Management; authorizing the  
expenditure of an amount not to exceed $39,000 from the  
Street Construction Maintenance and Repair Fund;  
waiving the competitive procurement requirements of  
TMC Chapter 187; and declaring an emergency.  
The Division of Traffic Management utilizes Tactics Central Software  
to write and control traffic signals for 295 of the city’s 494  
intersections. The current software agreement which includes service  
and upgrades is expiring and needs to be renewed for an additional  
five-year period. Baldwin and Sours is the sole distributor for this  
software in the state of Ohio.  
This Ordinance authorizes the expenditure of funds needed to purchase  
the service package by means of the Street Construction Maintenance  
and Repair Fund. The total amount to be expended for the package is  
$39,000. Budget for this purchase is available in Traffic  
Management’s 2024 operating budget.  
Authorizing the Mayor to accept bids and award  
contracts for the purchase of large diameter valves for  
water repairs city-wide; authorizing the appropriation  
and expenditure of an amount not to exceed $1,030,000  
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from the Water Replacement Fund; and declaring an  
Large diameter valves are used for water line repairs city-wide. Funds  
are available in the Water Replacement Fund and this Ordinance  
authorizes that appropriation and expenditure to purchase said valves.  
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Agreement with  
National Testing Network for the provision of  
pre-employment psychological examinations and  
evaluations for candidates to the position of Police  
Officer; further authorizing the expenditure not to  
exceed $50,000 from the General Fund; and declaring an  
The City sought competitive proposals in order to enter into a new  
contract to provide pre-employment psychological screening for Police  
Officer candidates from January 25, 2024 through April 2, 2024.  
Former provider, Dr. Gregory Forgac has indicated that he will be  
retiring. One (1) proposal was submitted by National Testing Network  
(“NTN”). NTN consists of seasoned professionals including Ph. D.  
level I/O Psychologists and Psychometricians, and a team of  
Ohio-licensed Clinical Psychologists. NTN’s psychological evaluations  
are conducted by Ohio-licensed clinical psychologists, who are all  
members of the Ohio Psychological Association (OPA); therefore,  
they possess exceptional academic and professional expertise and  
experience specifically relevant to pre-employment psychological  
screening and analysis. Accordingly, the City determined NTN to be  
best suited to provide this essential portion of the pre-employment  
process for the position of Police Officer.  
Declaring the intent to vacate the property  
located east of Deline Drive, north of Dulton  
Drive and west of 5751 Nebraska Avenue; and  
declaring an emergency.  
Any other matter that may properly come before the Committee  
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The Clerk of Council’s Office supports the provisions of the Americans’ with Disabilities  
Act. If you need special accommodations, please call 48 hours prior to meeting time at  
419-245-1060 for arrangements.  
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