Tremainsville Road (SUP24-00092). (District 5)
The Plan Commission recommends approval
subject to 54 conditions and 1 waiver.
6. Request for a Special Use Permit for a
community center for the property located at
1339 S. Byrne Road (SUP24-00101). (District
The Plan Commission recommends approval
subject to 7 conditions.
7. Request for a Special Use Permit for used
auto sales for the property located at 130 New
Towne Square Drive (SUP24-00093). (District
The Plan Commission recommends approval
subject to 40 conditions.
8. Request for a vacation of portion of
Bresnahans Green, Clemente Trace & Rogan
Way, in the second Recording of Collingwood
Green (V-505-24). (District 4)
The Plan Commission recommends approval
subject to 8 conditions.
9. Request for a Text Amendment modifying
TMC 1104.0100 Use Table and TMC
1104.12000 Animal Shelters and Kennels to all
Kennels in the CR zoning districts (M-17-24).
The Plan Commission recommends approval.
10. Request for a Special Use Permit for a new
gas station for the property located at 1405
Bernath Parkway (SUP-2004-24). (District 2)
The Plan Commission recommends approval
subject to 56 conditions and 1 waiver.
11. Toledo City Plan Commission 2025 Budget