One Government Center
Toledo, OH 43604
City of Toledo
Zoning & Planning Committee
Formal Agenda
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
4:00 PM
City Council Chambers
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss:
1. Request for a zone change for the property
located at 2388 Tremainsville Road from RS6
Single-Dwelling Residential and RM36
Multi-Dwelling Residential to RM12
Multi-Family Residential (Z24-0010). The Plan
Commission recommends approval. (District 5
2. Request for a Special Use Permit for a
school for the property located at 2323 W.
Bancroft Street (SUP24-00106). The Plan
Commission recommends approval subject to
18 conditions. (District 1)
3. Request for a vacation of portion of Hunt
Street north of Hamilton Street (V-403-24).
The Plan Commission recommends approval
subject to 3 conditions. (District 4)
4. Request for a Text Amendment modifying
TMC 1113.0906 Penalties and TMC 1115
Violations, Penalties and Enforcement (M-19-
24). The Plan Commission recommends
5. Request for a Text Amendment modifying
TMC 1116.0183, correcting references to the
Ohio Revised Code (M-13-24). The Plan
Commission recommends approval.