One Government Center  
Toledo, OH 43604  
City of Toledo  
Agenda Review  
City Council  
Wednesday, May 29, 2024  
2:00 PM  
Council Chambers  
Agenda Review for the June 5, 2024 Meeting of Toledo City Council  
Recognize 2024 Cotillion Debutantes  
Celebrating Sunshine Communities 75th year anniversary.  
City Historic District Commission  
Electrical Board of Control  
Repealing Toledo Municipal Code Section 929.03; enacting a  
new Toledo Municipal Code Section 929.03 to establish new  
monthly billing for the sewer rates; repealing Toledo Municipal  
Code Section 929.04(b)(4).  
Ordinance 337-14 established sewer rates for a period of four years  
2015 to 2020 with the last increase effective on January 1, 2020.  
Ordinance 36-20 established monthly sewer rates for all rate payers.  
This Ordinance establishes competitive rates for sanitary sewer  
services for the years 2024 through 2029 that will cover existing and  
future debt service incurred to fund the cost of sewer infrastructure  
improvement projects, and provide sufficient funds for the sewer  
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distribution system and for the proper operation and maintenance of  
the water reclamation plant as approved by the voters. The  
Senior/Homestead discount of 25% will be on volume charges only, as  
well as adding a Senior Low-Income discount of 40% on volume  
charges only, and adding a Low-Income discount of 25% on volume  
charges only which greatly benefits those who qualify. Ordinance  
30-06 established the sewer winter average volume charge that is  
being repealed.  
Legislative History  
City Council  
First Reading  
Authorizing the expenditure of $16,369.00 from the General  
Fund to pay the National League of Cities (NLC) 2024  
membership dues; and declaring an emergency.  
The National League of Cities (NLC) is an organization comprised of  
city leaders that are focused on improving the quality of life for their  
current and future constituents. Their mission is to relentlessly advocate  
for, and project the interests of cities, by influencing federal policy,  
strengthening local leadership and driving innovative solutions. The  
2024 City Council Budget has an appropriation for this anticipated  
Res. - Review of Public Renewable Energy Projects for  
Federal Funding Opportunities.  
WHEREAS, until recently it was often difficult for municipal  
governments and other tax-exempt entities to access federal funding  
for local renewable energy projects because the nature of the federal  
tax-credit funding; and  
WHEREAS, the passage of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)  
included a Direct Pay provision that now allows local governments to  
access federal funding for renewable energy projects and clean energy  
projects that will cover up to 30% of the cost of the project; and  
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WHEREAS, there are a wide variety of renewable energy projects  
that are eligible for federal funding through the federal Direct Pay  
program including the installation of heat pumps or geothermal systems  
in public buildings, the addition of solar panels to school buildings,  
affordable housing, and other municipal buildings, the weatherization of  
senior centers and affordable housing, an investigation into potential  
micro-hydro energy systems to utilize in Toledo's streams and rivers,  
research the environmental benefits of the implementation of traffic  
roundabouts, and exploration into the possibilities of using new and  
existing water treatment plants to aid and create bio waste-to-energy  
facilities or products.  
WHEREAS, public renewable energy projects like those enumerated  
above can save local government and Toledo taxpayers money by  
reducing energy costs, enhancing air quality, reduce emissions, and  
improve environmental justice; and  
WHEREAS, Federal funding through the IRA's Direct Pay provision is  
available until 2032 and there is no cap on the amount of federal  
funding a city can receive through the Direct Pay provision for  
renewable energy projects; and  
WHEREAS, there are a number of federal resources available to help  
cities prepare renewable energy projects and apply for federal funding  
through the IRA Direct Pay provision.  
Res. - Submitting to the Toledo City Plan Commission a request  
for a review of the current municipal planning and zoning code  
as related to the use of solar energy and its components;  
authorizing a public hearing on any proposed text amendments  
which may result from the review; publication of said hearing;  
and declaring an emergency.  
WHEREAS, SolSmart is a national designation and no-cost technical  
assistance program designed to help local governments make it  
faster, easier, and more affordable for residents and businesses to “go  
solar;” and  
WHEREAS, SolSmart National Designations recognize communities  
taking key steps in addressing local barriers to solar energy in land use,  
permitting, inspection and zoning processes; and  
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WHEREAS, the City desires to participate in the SolSmart National  
Designation program to support local efforts to utilize solar energy; and  
WHEREAS, the national designations, which are given in Bronze,  
Silver, Gold and Platinum tiers, are earned through a point system  
based upon completion of certain prerequisites by local governments,  
beginning with a review of the municipal planning, land use and zoning  
code; and  
WHEREAS, to initiate the process for the City of Toledo for a Bronze  
Designation, SolSmart has done a preliminary analysis of the City’s  
planning and zoning code to assist the City’s plan commission with its  
own review.  
Authorizing the expenditure of $18,352 from the General Fund  
for the city of Toledo’s 2024 membership dues for the Ohio  
Municipal League (OML); and declaring an emergency.  
This ordinance authorizes the expenditure of funds for 2024  
membership dues for the Ohio Municipal League. Funds are included  
in the approved 2024 General Fund budget for this expenditure.  
Amending Ordinance 25-21 Schedule A to allow for  
expenditure of COVID-19 Community Development  
Block Grant (CDBG-CV) on additionally eligible uses;  
and declaring an emergency.  
Ordinance 25-21 authorized the acceptance, deposit, appropriation  
and expenditure of $1,526,505 of CDBG-CV to be used to prevent,  
prepare for and respond to the coronavirus COVID-19; and,  
submission of the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan Substantial  
Amendment and the 2019-2020 Annual Action Plan Substantial  
Amendment submittal to HUD on February 5th 2021.  
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Schedule A of Ordinance 25-21 outlined that CDBG-CV funding will  
be used to assist homeowners with emergency mortgage assistance  
who have been impacted by COVID-19, as well as for the  
administration of the CDBG-CV program. This amendment will  
expand the use of CDBG-CV funds to provide for acquisition and  
rehabilitation of facilities including ADA accessibility upgrades,  
hotel/motel temporary housing assistance, and related supportive  
services, as outlined in the Amended Schedule A.  
The financial impact of this Ordinance is to allow for the expenditure of  
CDBG-CV funds previously accepted, deposited and appropriated,  
on additional uses as outlined in the Amended Schedule A.  
Authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of  
$200,000 from the Local Fiscal Recovery Fund for the  
City of Toledo Roof Tops Program; authorizing the  
Mayor to accept bids, award contracts and enter into  
necessary agreements for said program; and declaring  
an emergency.  
This Ordinance authorizes the appropriation and expenditure of the  
remaining $200,000 of Housing Preservation grant funds programmed  
in the Toledo Recovery Plan for projects and costs associated with the  
Toledo Roof Tops Program. To date, the initial $2,900,000  
programmed for the Rooftops Program pursuant to Ordinance  
245-22, has supported roof repair and replacements for 179  
The Toledo Roof Tops Program consists of a partnership with Toledo  
Urban Federal Credit Union, Maumee Valley Habitat for Humanity  
and the Department of Housing and Community Development to  
provide financial assistance to eligible households for repair or  
replacement of approximately seven hundred (700) failing roofs on  
owner-occupied housing in Qualified Census Tracts (QCT). Roof  
Tops grants are provided to households with income at or below 60%  
of the area median selected through a lottery. Households with income  
at or below 80% of the area median, not selected in the lottery, will  
have an opportunity to apply for assistance consisting of a 50/50  
Low-interest loan/matching grant through the Toledo Urban Federal  
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Credit Union. ARPA Rooftops Funds are leveraged with Community  
Development Block Grant and loan funds from bank partners. The  
additional ARPA funds will be allocated pursuant to the attached  
Schedule A.  
To facilitate timely disbursement of construction funding, City of  
Toledo Department of Housing and Community Development Roof  
Tops construction funding will be escrowed with title companies,  
selected through an RFQ process.  
Authorizing the disappropriation of $500,000 from the  
Community Development Block Grant Fund; authorizing  
the re-appropriation and expenditure of $500,000 from  
the unappropriated balance of the Community  
Development Block Grant Fund for the Rooftops  
Program; and declaring an emergency.  
This legislation authorizes the disappropriation of $500,000 and  
re-appropriation and expenditure of $500,000 from the  
unappropriated balance of the Community Development Block Grant  
Fund to provide the necessary funding for the Rooftops Program.  
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the  
United Way of Greater Toledo (UWGT) to serve as the fiscal  
and administrative agent for the Healing & Compassion Fund  
pilot project; authorizing the expenditure of an amount not to  
exceed $36,400 from the General Fund; waiving the competitive  
bidding provisions of TMC Ch.187; and declaring an  
The Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement  
(MONSE) convenes the Community Action Table (CAT), a  
multidisciplinary team of stakeholders engaged in community violence  
intervention and prevention work in Toledo. Stakeholders include  
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traditional public safety, communities impacted by violence, survivors,  
community-based organizations, mental health agencies, funders, health  
systems, advocacy groups, policy-makers, faith-based organizations,  
school systems, and youth.  
The CAT Victim & Survivor Services working group identified several  
challenges faced by those impacted by gun violence, including access  
to basic needs, respite, relocation, home modifications and repairs  
after violent incidents, and burial costs. The Healing & Compassion  
Fund will supplement existing resources while helping to mitigate  
barriers. Current barriers include: fewer than 40% of Ohio Crime  
Victim Compensation claims were awarded in fiscal year 2023; the  
number of victims impacted by gun violence outstrips the resources  
available; victims’ compensation is typically reimbursement-based;  
application processes are typically difficult to navigate and not timely;  
and applicants can be disqualified for myriad reasons.  
This ordinance authorizes the City of Toledo to contract with the  
United Way of Greater Toledo to serve as the fiscal and administrative  
agent for the Compassion and Healing Fund pilot at a rate of 4% of all  
funds received. Services include: (1) receiving, depositing, and  
acknowledging funds received on behalf of the Compassion and  
Healing Fund; (2) ensuring funds are disbursed once authorized fund  
representatives approve based on an established approval process; (3)  
fiscal agent accounting controls; (4) quarterly reporting on funds  
received, expended, and how funds have been utilized; (5) including  
the Fund in the United Way 211 database to ensure it reaches  
Authorizing the partial settlement of claims brought in  
Pratt v. City of Toledo; authorizing the expenditure of  
$400,000 from the Risk Management Fund; and  
declaring an emergency.  
The City has reached settlements with 14 of the 16 plaintiffs in  
a lawsuit captioned Pratt, et al, v. City of Toledo, et all, Case No.  
3:21-cv-01111 in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of  
Ohio, Western Division. In exchange for full releases, the city has  
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agreed to pay $400,000 total for the plaintiffs listed below. In their  
lawsuit, the plaintiffs alleged they were injured by Toledo Police  
officers during civil rights protests on May 30, 2020.  
Resolution Approving the Lucas County 911 Final Plan;  
and declaring an emergency.  
Authorizing the expenditure from the Ohio Peace Officer  
Training Commission Grant in an amount not to exceed  
$50,000 for upgrading the Toledo Police Academy  
Information Technology; authorizing the Mayor to  
accept bids and award contracts; and declaring an  
The academy is in need of information technology upgrades. These  
upgrades will include new computers and technology infrastructure.  
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into a grant agreement  
and accept $24,263.82 from the Office of Criminal  
Justice Services for an Ohio Drug Law Enforcement  
Fund Program; authorizing the appropriation and  
expenditure of said proceeds from the Operation Grants  
Fund; and declaring an emergency.  
The Toledo Police Department has requested and received  
$24,263.82 in Ohio Drug Law Enforcement Fund grant funds from the  
Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services to conduct drug investigations.  
There is a local match of $8,094.18 required for this grant, which will  
be for personnel overtime. The grant funds will increase the  
department’s ability to conduct drug enforcement investigations.  
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Authorizing the expenditure of an amount not to exceed  
$25,100 from the General Fund for the rental of an  
excavator for demolition operations; authorizing the  
Mayor to accept bids and enter into necessary contracts  
for said rental; and declaring an emergency.  
Excavators are used daily by the demolition operations of Urban  
Beautification. One of the excavators is no longer working and must  
be replaced. Before the new excavator arrives, the Division will need  
to rent an excavator to continue demolition operations.  
Amending Ord. 160-24 for the purchase of an excavator  
for the demolition program; and declaring an emergency.  
Ordinance 160-24 authorized the purchase of equipment for Urban  
Beautification. Under the Cleaning section, a small bucket truck was  
listed for purchase, the department would like to change this item to an  
excavator for our demolition program.  
Amending Ord. 393-23 for improvements to streetlights  
along various streets and public rights-of-way in the City  
of Toledo; and declaring an emergency.  
Ord. 393-23 authorized the improvements and installation of additional  
streetlights throughout the city. As we have been working to address  
lighting in poorly lit areas of the city, we will need to work with  
additional contractors for the lights and poles that are not owned by  
The Toledo Edison Company. Amending Section 2 of Ord. 393-23  
will allow us to enter into contracts with additional companies to  
improve the street lighting.  
Authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of an  
amount not to exceed $2,700,000 from the Local Fiscal  
Recovery Fund for a water main replacement and sewer  
installation project; authorizing the Mayor to prepare  
plans and specifications, acquire needed rights-of-way  
and easements as necessary, accept bids and enter into  
contracts; and declaring an emergency.  
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The city has received $180.9 million through the American Rescue  
Plan Act (ARPA) to be used to address the public health and negative  
economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Toledo  
Recovery Plan framework (authorized by Ordinance 530-21), which  
outlines the city’s projects that will be funded through ARPA, includes  
$5,200,000 for water and sewer infrastructure replacement and  
Replacement and improvement of water mains and sanitary sewers  
within qualified census tracts will maintain safe, reliable service that will  
meet the demands of the City of Toledo’s water and sewer distribution  
systems. This ordinance authorizes $1,000,000 of this amount for the  
New York Avenue water main replacement and $1,700,000 for the  
installation of sanitary mains and service lines on Gallier Drive and  
Giger Drive along with sanitary service lines on Secor Road.  
Authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of  
$3,000,000 from the Tax Roadway Improvement Fund  
for the 2024 General Resurfacing Program; authorizing  
the Mayor to prepare plans and specifications, acquire  
required rights-of-way as appropriate, utilize  
professional services necessary for planning, design,  
project management, and construction inspection, and  
enter into contracts for these projects within the Division  
of Engineering and Construction Management; and  
declaring an emergency.  
This extra funding is available due to cost savings from previous residential  
construction years and due to higher-than-expected tax revenues. This item  
is for projects that utilize 100% City of Toledo capital funds to rebuild or  
resurface primarily local residential streets.  
Ord. 12-24 authorized the appropriation of $27 million for the 2024 General  
Resurfacing program. The Division of Engineering and Construction  
Management is requesting the appropriation of an additional $3 million from  
the Tax Roadway Improvement Fund bringing the 2024 program to $30  
million in total.  
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Appropriation of these funds now will allow for timely bidding and  
construction to ensure all projects are completed this year.  
Authorizing the appropriation and expenditure in an amount not  
to exceed $1,000,000 from the Sewer Replacement Fund for the  
purchase and installation of draft tube mixers at the Bay View  
Water Reclamation Plant; waiving the competitive procurement  
provisions of TMC Chapter 187 for this purchase; authorizing  
the Mayor to accept bids and award contracts for the  
installation of draft tube mixers; and declaring an emergency.  
Ovivo USA, LLC (Ovivo), is the original equipment manufacturer of  
draft tube mixers installed in the anaerobic digester tanks at the Bay  
View Water Reclamation Plant. These mixers are used to mix stored  
sludge to facilitate biological activity to break down thickened sludge  
for the sustainable purpose of reducing the volume of sludge while  
converting volatile solids to biogas, a renewable source of energy. The  
Division of Water Reclamation is seeking a contract with Ovivo in an  
amount not to exceed $750,000 for the purchase of new draft tube  
mixers and associated equipment, and a contract with a construction  
contractor in an amount not to exceed $250,000 for the installation,  
testing and commissioning of these draft tube mixers. Funds are  
available in the Sanitary Sewer Replacement Fund.  
Authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of  
$325,000 from the Sewer Replacement Fund for  
emergency replacement of a roll off truck to service the  
Bay View Water Reclamation Plant; authorizing the  
Mayor to enter into a contract with the Jack Doheny  
Company; waiving the competitive provisions of TMC  
Chapter 187; and declaring an emergency.  
The Division of Water Reclamation has multiple processes which  
separate detritus and debris from incoming sewage and collect it in roll  
off containers. On January 23, 2024 the one reliable roll off truck used  
to haul the containers caught fire and was destroyed. The one  
remaining unreliable truck is insufficient to service the plant. Water  
Reclamation negotiated with Jack Doheny Company for purchase of a  
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used vehicle suitable for service.  
Authorizing the mayor to enter into a contract for the  
configuration and installation of necessary information  
technology and security components; authorizing the  
appropriation and expenditure of up to $325,000 from the  
Water Replacement Fund; waiving the competitive  
bidding requirements of TMC Chapter 187; and  
declaring an emergency  
The Department of Public Utilities needs to procure services to  
purchase, configure, and install necessary information technology  
network and security components. The firm that will be used is already  
familiar with systems and has available all necessary hardware and  
applications required. This Ordinance authorizes the appropriation and  
expenditure from the Water Replacement Fund.  
Authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of an amount not  
to exceed 214,230 from the unappropriated balances of multiple  
water and sewer funds, and operating transfer of the same for  
software for the design and construction of water mains, as well  
as operating expenses; and declaring an emergency.  
The Engineering and Construction Management Division is partially  
funded by the Water Operating and Sewer Operating funds to support  
the design and construction of water mains and sanitary sewer lines  
throughout the City of Toledo. The division had awarded contracts  
authorized through Ord. 477-20 and Ord. 278-23 using funds that  
were approved and available in their 2023 operating budget. The  
contracts were not able to be completed as planned before the end of  
2023 and thus not included in the 2024 operating budget. This  
ordinance will provide the budget necessary to complete the contracts.  
Authorizing the Mayor to accept bids and award  
contracts for the Hydrant Replacement Program;  
authorizing the appropriation and expenditure in an  
amount not to exceed $300,000 from the Water  
Replacement Fund; and declaring an emergency.  
The City of Toledo has initiated a systematic, annual anti-tampering  
hydrant replacement program to replace old hydrants. It is the intent  
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of this ordinance to authorize the appropriation and expenditure of an  
amount not to exceed $300,000 from the Water Replacement Fund  
for the purchase of hydrants, hydrant valves and other related  
Authorizing the additional appropriation and expenditure  
of an amount not to exceed $30,000 from the Water  
Replacement Fund for the purchase of a meter test  
bench; authorizing the Mayor to accept bids and award  
contracts for said purchase; and declaring an emergency.  
In December 2023, Ordinance 644-23 was passed for the  
appropriation and expenditure of no more than $130,000 from the  
Water Replacement Fund for the purchase of a meter test bench. Due  
to price increases, additional funding is needed. This Ordinance  
authorizes the appropriation and expenditure of up to an additional  
$30,000 from the Water Replacement Fund for the purchase of a  
meter test bench for the Meter Shop at the Division of Water  
Distribution. Residential, commercial and industrial water meters can  
become faulty and inaccurate. Water Distribution has a test bench that  
can test meters for accuracy, but it is over 30 years old. A new bench  
is needed for its ability to test larger capacity meters and more meters  
at a time. Also, the new automated testing bench will cut down testing  
time as the current bench requires manual testing.  
Authorizing an expenditure not to exceed $32,000 from  
the General Fund (Employee Engagement Committee)  
for the provision of an employee engagement activity  
with the Toledo Mud Hens Baseball Club, Inc; and  
declaring an emergency.  
The Employee Engagement Committee (EEC) is composed of City of  
Toledo employees representing multiple departments and divisions  
throughout the City that meet on a monthly basis to discuss work  
culture and ideas for employee engagement. A major goal of the  
Committee is to present city-wide employee appreciation events  
throughout the year. One such event is an annual Mud Hens Employee  
Night. The EEC respectfully requests up to $32,000 for the 2024 Mud  
Hens Employee Night event on July 26, 2024. The requested amount  
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will provide 1,200 home terrace tickets, a 2-hour buffet, an  
announcement of the event, and entry in a raffle for free Mud Hens  
apparel. The Department of Human Resources and the Office of the  
Mayor supports this initiative and the EEC’s commitment to employee  
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an amended Eugene  
F. Kranz Toledo Express Airport Joint Economic  
Development District (“JEDD”) contract with the Board  
of Trustees of Swanton Township, Lucas County, Ohio,  
and Monclova Township, Lucas County, Ohio, for the  
purpose of expanding the JEDD territory; making  
certain findings with respect thereto; and declaring an  
Pursuant to the authority of Ordinance 539-14 passed on December  
2, 2014, the City entered into a JEDD Contract with Swanton  
Township, Lucas County, Ohio, and Monclova Township, Lucas  
County, Ohio, to create a JEDD located on 704 acres of property in  
the immediate vicinity of the Eugene F. Kranz Toledo Express Airport.  
The purpose of this economic development district is to facilitate  
economic growth and development within the territory. Pursuant to the  
authority of Ordinance 426-21 passed on August 17, 2021, the City  
entered into an amended the JEDD Contract for purposes of adding  
properties to the territory.  
Petitions have been recently submitted to the Joint Economic  
Development District Board requesting to include the below 9 parcels  
of undeveloped land to the district territory:  
1. 38-51207 located at 3455 Strayer Road, Monclova  
Township, Ohio  
2. 72-01662 located at 11490 Airport Highway,  
Swanton Township, Ohio  
3. 72-01663 located at 11480 Airport Highway,  
Swanton Township, Ohio  
4. 72-01634 located at 11701 Tailwinds Drive, Swanton  
Township, Ohio  
5. 72-01625 located at 2525 Aviation Drive, Swanton  
Township, Ohio  
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6. 72-01626 located at 2251 Aviation Drive, Swanton  
Township, Ohio  
7. 72-01627 located at 11235 Crosswinds Drive,  
Swanton Township, Ohio  
8. 72-01628 located at 11201 Crosswinds Drive,  
Swanton Township, Ohio  
9. 72-00871 located at 11310 Airport Highway,  
Swanton Township, Ohio  
Granting the petition and including the subject properties into the  
expanded district territory requires the amendment to the district  
contract accordingly. A public hearing sponsored by Toledo City  
Council was held on June 5, 2024, where public comment was  
received with respect to the proposed amendment. It is the Joint  
Economic Development District Board’s belief that amending the  
contract to include the additional acreage will create and preserve jobs  
and employment opportunities, and will improve the economic welfare  
of the people in the state and in the area of the contracting parties.  
Declaring the intent to vacate the 16-foot wide alley lying  
between Lots 348 and 313 in Port Lawrence Division, located in  
the city of Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio; and declaring an  
Any other matter that may properly come before the Committee  
The Clerk of Council’s Office supports the provisions of the Americans’ with Disabilities  
Act. If you need special accommodations, please call 48 hours prior to meeting time at  
419-245-1060 for arrangements.  
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