STTL-AgRev20220920 Post Meeting Speech To Text Transcript Video
2. TMP-7919 Accepting the property tax amounts and rates for the 2023 budget as determined by the County Budget Commission; authorizing the necessary tax levies, certifying said levies to the County Auditor; and declaring an emergency.
1. TMP-7918 Authorizing the Finance Director to request advances from the Lucas County Auditor's office; and declaring an emergency.
3. TMP-7920 Authorizing the expenditure of $144,000 from the Local Fiscal Recovery Fund for premium pay for front line workers of the Lucas County 911 Regional Council of Governments for their service during the COVID-19 pandemic; authorizing the Mayor to
4. TMP-7925 Extending the waiver of the competitive bidding requirements of TMC Chapter 187; authorizing the Mayor to enter into an extended agreement(s) with Benevate, Inc. dba Neighborly Software for the continued operation and development of an online p
5. TMP-7926 Amending Ordinance 245-22 authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of $2,900,000 from Local Fiscal Recovery Fund for the City of Toledo Roof Tops Program; authorizing the Mayor to accept bids, award contracts and enter into necessary agree
6. TMP-7896 Authorizing the expenditure in an amount not to exceed $43,234.10 from the General Fund for police body worn cameras; amending the existing contract with Getac Video Solutions, Inc.; waiving the competitive bidding requirements of TMC Chapter 1
7. TMP-7913 Authorizing the Mayor to enter into agreements and award contracts for the purchase of Lifepak 15 Cardiac Monitors, related equipment, and services, in an amount not to exceed $1,100,000; authorizing the expenditure of $1,100,000 from the Capit
8. TMP-7927 Authorizing the Mayor to accept bids and enter into agreements for the purchase of 2 Bariatric Patient Air Lifting Units and related equipment for the Fire and Rescue Department; Authorizing the expenditure of $15,149.46 from the General Fund f
9. TMP-7898 Authorizing the expenditure in an amount not to exceed $150,000 from the Water Operating Fund for utility cut concrete restoration; authorizing the mayor to accept bids and enter into contracts; and declaring an emergency.
10. TMP-7899 Authorizing the expenditure of $46,000 from the Water Operating Fund for the emergency repair of the watermain on Manhattan Blvd at Nearing Ave; authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract with Crestline Paving and Excavating Co. Inc.; find
11. TMP-7897 Authorizing the expenditure of $35,692 from the Sanitary Sewer Operating Fund to Taylor Excavating for the emergency replacement and repair of manhole and attached sewer mains located at 2625 Calverton; authorizing the mayor to enter into nece
12. TMP-7869 Authorizing the disappropriaton of $695,700 in the Local Fiscal Recovery Fund; authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of $1,200,000 from the Local Fiscal Recovery for the purchase of equipment for blight clean-up operations; authorizing
13. TMP-7895 Authorizing the Mayor to enter into contracts for the purchase and refurbishment of replacement equipment and infrastructure for the Hoffman Road Landfill required for operations and to maintain compliance with Ohio EPA; authorizing the expend
14. TMP-7921 Authorizing the mayor to enter into an agreement with and accept financial cooperation from AT&T Ohio in an amount not to exceed $234,055 for the construction of Secor Road Bridge over Ottawa River; authorizing the acceptance, deposit, appropr
15. TMP-7923 Authorizing the mayor to enter into an agreement with and accept financial cooperation from the Village of Ottawa Hills in an amount not to exceed $190,000.00 for the construction of Secor Road Bridge over the Ottawa River; authorizing the acc
16. TMP-7924 Authorizing the Mayor to enter into contracts for the purchase of capital equipment; authorizing the expenditure of $1,100,000 from the Capital Fund for the purchase of five (5) Ford F-750 trucks with plows and four (4) Ford F-350 pickup truck
17. TMP-7894 Authorizing the expenditure of $100,670 from the Street Construction Maintenance and Repair Fund for the purchase of two pickup trucks for the Division of Traffic Management; authorizing the mayor to enter into the necessary contracts for said
18. TMP-7911 Authorizing the mayor to enter into a software license agreement with DLT Solutions, LLC for the renewal of 37 Autodesk licenses and related software and maintenance for a period of 12 months; waiving competitive procurement provisions of the
19. TMP-7893 Declaring it necessary to improve portions of Dearborn Avenue by installing street lighting; and declaring an emergency.
20. TMP-7915 Authorizing the Mayor to enter into and execute a Grant Agreement with the Ohio Development Services Agency for the extension of the Greenbelt Parkway project; authorizing the acceptance, deposit, appropriation and expenditure of grant proceed
21. TMP-7916 Authorizing the Mayor to enter into and execute a Jobs and Commerce Economic Development Program Grant Agreement with the State of Ohio Department of Transportation for the extension of the Greenbelt Parkway; authorizing the acceptance, deposi
22. TMP-7914 Authorizing the Mayor to enter into and execute a Jobs and Commerce Economic Development Program Grant Agreement with the State of Ohio Department of Transportation for the reconstruction of 13th Street; authorizing the acceptance, deposit, ap
23. TMP-7917 Authorizing the expenditure of $210,000 from the General Fund for the Facade Improvement Grant Program; and declaring an emergency.
TMP-7939 Zone change at 415 N. Michigan St.
TMP-7940 SUP for day care center at 3104 Nebraska Ave.
TMP-7941 Amend SUP for parking lot modifications at 333 14th St. for Toledo School for the Arts.
TMP-7942 Historic Landmark Designation for Thurgood Marshall Building at 424 E. Manhattan Blvd.
TMP-7943 Historic Landmark Designation at 1301 Adams St.
O-023-22 Amending Toledo Municipal Code (TMC), Part Eleven, Subsection 1115.0500 Violations, Penalties & Enforcement and Part Seventeen, Subsection 1726.99 Public Nuisances Prohibited; Penalty; Fines; Cash bond; and declaring an emergency.
TMP-7931 Appointments - Arts Commission of Greater Toledo (ACGT)
TMP-7932 Appointment - Arts Commission of Greater Toledo (ACGT)
TMP-7933 Appointment - Human Relations Commission
TMP-7934 Appointments - Old West End Historic District Commission
TMP-7935 Appointments - OneOhio Recovery Foundation Region 4 Board
O-423-22 Amending the framework for the Toledo Recovery Plan, authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of $1,400,000 from the Local Fiscal Recovery Fund for RIP Medical Debt (RIPMD); authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with RIP Medical De
O-424-22 Authorizing the Mayor to accept bids and award contracts for City owned and leased facility inspection for ADA Architectural Compliance; authorizing the General Fund expenditure in an amount not to exceed $300,000.00 for the same; and declaring an
O-464-22 Declaring the vacation of the 16.4-foot wide alley running north and south, adjacent to Lots 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 in the Northlawn Addition, Toledo, Lucas County Ohio; and declaring an emergency.
TMP-7936 Expressing Toledo City Council support for Metroparks 10-year 0.9-mill renewal levy, Issue 7, on the November 8 ballot; and declaring an emergency.
TMP-7937 Designate intersection of Sylvania & Peak as John F. Repp, Sr. Memorial Place.
TMP-7938 Adopting a calendar for 2023 for City Council; and declaring an emergency.
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